Monday, December 23, 2013

Pregnancy Fitness & Soft Body Woes

You know what's hard? Getting fat after I've worked diligently all year to be comfortable and proud of my body. I look down and I don't see a hard body that has been eating better and lifting weights and running. I see a soft body, as if I've never ran a day in my life. It's difficult to go through pregnancy after pregnancy with low self-esteem. My face breaks out. I have odd discoloration on my skin. My belly is expanding so early as it always does. I look like I'm carrying a couple extra cheeseburgers, not a life and I'm only roughly six or seven weeks along. I feel so thankful to be able to carry our children when I know so many cannot, but still the thoughts creep in. I suppose the only way to keep them at bay is to continue training and that's what I've been doing. I'm dedicated to staying active and healthy as long as I can.
When I found out I was pregnant, I was keeping up with a pretty rigorous routine and I committed to sticking with it until the doctors told me otherwise-
I started focusing on my legs and backside with this workout. Try it!
Then Annalise posted the Air Force BMT Fitness Standards so I tried to see where I was at with that. I think I'll keep working on this. I'd like to improve and get to the highest level. Something to work toward anyway.
But despite staying motivated, I'm getting slower. Running seems to take twice the effort these days. Perhaps it's in my head, but I've almost added a whole minute to my normal mile.

What did you do to stay active during a pregnancy?


Lynn | Motherhood in Motion said...

Stick with it! You will feel better during and after.

Sarah said...

I had big plans to do zumba the whole pregnancy, but so far I've only made it to three classes. I mostly just walk now which is probably better anyway because I'm a real white girl when it comes to dance. ;)

A Worker at Home said...

You're doing so well! Keep up the awesome work! I'm 28 weeks along and still working out 6 days a week. I'm definitely at a slow jog now instead of a run :) but I'm doing weight training and BodyPump and cardio until my Dr. tells me no! It's encouraging to see other pregnant ladies out there like you who are keeping up with their fitness routine-- its tough but SO worth it!

Chantal said...

It was so hard for me to keep running once I got pregnant because my boobs hurt SO bad. No amount of bras helped. I did stay with kickboxing for awhile though.

KTJ said...

Congratulations! I missed your pregnancy announcement, so exciting! I'm not a parent so I can't relate, but you look beautiful! I just wanted to stop by and congratulate you!

Becca said...

yoga and a lot of stretching and bouncing on my exercise ball. I lived on that thing. Once I got put on bedrest, I stayed fit by eating bananas with chocolate yogurt and laughing as much as possible :)


Jenn said...

First off, do no worry about how those that struggle or can't have children (or anyone else really) thinks about how you feel about yourself, your body, or your pregnancy if it is negative. Everyone has their own struggle with things but it doesn't down grade how you feel. You are well aware of my infertility struggles and I for the most part did not enjoy being pregnant. As far as the weight/fitness goes just try to focus on the end result. How much easier it will be throughout your pregnancy when you are fit. That maintaining a workout now means you will get back into shape faster. I was in no way shape or form fit before getting pregnant. Something however clicked for me and I started eating uber healthy. I know for a fact that is why I had such a low weight gain for where I was when I delivered. I also know continuing that is what allowed me to lose the weight so quickly.

I was/am doing the Tracy Anderson Method for post pregnancy. It's very much a ballet style workout that most of my friends used post baby and liked. Its low impact with not a lot of jumping or things like that but it focuses on movement and slight variations of them. I can do this most mornings after feeding Bear because the music in the background puts him to sleep. She does have a pregnancy workout set for $20 on amazon. It's just something to think about as I know the ballet style isn't for everyone.

Fran said...

I've heard a lot of people take up swimming when pregnant to keep up with their fitness, you could always try that! :)

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