Monday, February 10, 2014

A's Ears

You asked so I will try to answer as fully as possible without boring you to death. Baby A's hearing test did not go so well. We were taken into a room with a speaker placed on either side of us. I held him in my lap on a chair while sounds and movements projected from the speakers randomly. The only stimuli he responded to were the ones that could be seen. His little head didn't turn even the slightest bit when only noises were made. It made me sad, but I wasn't surprised.
After the brief test, the audiologist told me that while the results weren't great, they also weren't entirely accurate either due to his age. She took a peek into his ears and said the eardrums seemed to be working and so that was a good sign. The ENT (ear, nose, and throat) guy encouraged me to continue testing with more reliable information. The next step, I was told, is to have the ABR administered to him. Because of his age and inability to sit still for the procedure, he will have to be put under anesthesia. Of course, this is super scary for me. Initially, I said that I wasn't going to do that. The doctor then told me that there wasn't much else he could do for him so I asked him if he thought I should go ahead with the test and he said, "If it were my kid, I wouldn't hesitate to do this."
I thought about it on the drive home and the old saying knowledge is power was the message I kept returning to. If he does have hearing problems, he needs help now. We need to learn and teach him sign language, etc. No point in waiting.
So I suppose we're moving forward with this.


Lisa C said...

Hopefully y'all can get a resolution soon! And I'm not totally surprised a young child like him didn't respond to sounds. Unless it was really loud or unusual, why would it get his attention?

Jamie said...

My very good friend just had this test done on her daughter and (much) to their surprise they found severe to profound hearing loss. I totally agree that knowledge is power and that you can't work on a problem until you identify and face it. Sending positive thoughts your way.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and praying for Baby A

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you guys and praying for your sweet boy <3

Karen said...

Sending hugs your way!! Praying for you guys and Baby A all the time!

Jen said...

Yikes! I'm so sorry. I've had to get my son's ears tested about 4 times now and it never gets easier. Just remember, early intervention is best and you're being a super mom for getting it all done! Sending prayers your way!

erika said...

I'm glad that you are on the road to getting answers, but so sorry you have to go through this. Praying for that sweet boy and for you.

Katie said...

He is such a cutie! I hope the test comes back with some answers.

Chantal said...

I'm glad you're getting some answers!

Anonymous said...

Sending positive thoughts and prayers for your family. I hope you get some concrete answers soon.

Sarah said...

Poor munchkin! It probably won't make you feel any better, but if you need to (if only a little), sign language really isn't very difficult to learn. I learned how to sign whole sentences in my class, but even if you just learn a few basic signs it might help. Hugs!!

How are you feeling?!?!?!

Fran said...

I'm so sorry you guys are going through this, but like you said, knowledge is power and it's better to know now and get him the help he needs

JG said...

Well, knowledge is power, but I can imagine how nervous you must be. I hope it's soon so you don't have to dwell on it for long.

Kate @ Daffodils said...

Poor baby! I would be weary of the next test too, but I guess you have to trust the doctors and go through with it. I will be praying for his health and hearing!

Kate @ Daffodils said...

ps do you read sitting in a tree? Shannon recently found out that her son has profound hearing loss and they are in the early stages of dealing with it. Might be a good person to reach out to!

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