Friday, February 7, 2014

Munch of Fun!

(I received two packages in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. No other monetary compensation was given. )

If there's one thing I need in parenting my young kids it's a manual...but if there's something else it is easy, healthy foods. Sometimes the very last thing I want to do is put effort into yet another lunch that my boys may or may not eat. This is why I was eager to review Munch of Fun. I hadn't heard of it before, but the idea is sort of brilliant! What they do is they thoughtfully piece together meals and snacks that are nourishing and fun for your little ones. Pre-packed, the meals arrive at your door ready to go! There's also a fun little surprise for them, too (We got a tiny slinky!).
As we were enjoying the goodies, I kept thinking what a great idea this would be for field trips or perhaps youth groups who are having a lock-in or going on a retreat. Supplies (such as spoons and forks) are even included.

As you may know, I've got two night and day boys. Baby A will eat just about anything you put in front of him and my little Cray K? Well, not so much. He has his favs and he sticks with them. Rarely does he want to branch out. He loved the "Munch on Brunch"  kit. He enjoyed some brown sugar granola trail mix while he protested nap time and watched The Polar Express for the 10 millionth time. 

He liked the hazelnut butter and almond packages as well. Honestly, the baby ate the rest (and we're still working on some of it). They munch on the pineapple chunks which surprised me. I don't think either of them had tried that before! That's what's nice about having someone else package up a healthy meal for you-- it allows for branching out and not just sticking with foods you know your kids like.
You can visit their website here and find out more information on nutrition facts, pricing, and more.


Jen said...

How fun!

Anonymous said...

I need to bookmark their site for when I have kids. I'm not the best at eating healthy and I would like my kids to eat better than I do.

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