Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Books I've Read Lately

Ever fascinated with prison culture, I was pretty sure I would enjoy this book. I've always been drawn to prison shows and personal accounts of life in prison, especially from women. It's fascinating to learn about a completely different culture that exists just inside our own outside of bars. That being said, everything about this book annoyed me. I did enjoy it because I find it so interesting, however the main character rubbed me the wrong way. It was the uppity attitude that seeped from her writing that made me feel as if she was happy to have gotten such a unique opportunity to write and study this culture, rather than learn from it. She described her experience as if it were a game. One of my IG friends said it best, "I was so busy being horrified and annoyed at her condescending, self-congratulatory and vapid detailing of her experience I couldn't enjoy any good in the book. She was handed life on a silver platter, received an extraordinarily light sentence due to her family's wealth and then treated her prison sentence as a fun social/cultural experience without a shred of remorse..."
I agree with that statement except that I did enjoy reading of the other womens' lives she encountered. I wasn't a fan of her, but the story was intriguing. 

I started Divergent last spring or summer, but got so caught up in raising babies that I never finished it. It wasn't because I didn't want to, I just put it down, my iPad went dead, and I spent the rest of the year occasionally visiting the story in my mind, wondering what happened. Then, when I received the subsequent books for Christmas, I picked up the trilogy again. I won't go into book by book detail, but I will say that I enjoyed these very much. All three of them (Allegiant has the reputation of being hated by many who read it, but I thought it was fitting and fairly well written.) I love the story. The romantic aspects of it are somewhat corny, but hey- I can dig corny. Anytime a series sucks me in, I'm happy about it. If you're into the whole end-of-the-world type books, I suggest these to you. If you want to read about another screwed up government apart from our own, I suggest these to you. ;)
I'm looking forward to the movie that comes out March 21st.

Up next on the agenda to read is James Patterson's Second Honeymoon.

Are you reading anything good?


bj_lonsford said...

The actual show of Orange is the new black is a little different. It's actually pretty funny and enlightening. She Is In There Because Of Something She did When She Was younger. I love the show personally.

bj_lonsford said...

The actual show of Orange is the new black is a little different. It's actually pretty funny and enlightening. She Is In There Because Of Something She did When She Was younger. I love the show personally.

Leslie said...

Sigh.. I wish I could have loved Allegiant. The writting felt so different and the story didn't flow for me. We won't even talk about what happens. The whole book disappointed me, but I will forever love the first two. In my mind the book ends at the chapter where they share that unforgettable moment of love.

Katie said...

I didnt even know the Orange is the New Black was a book... i thought the show was pretty entertaining and have been waiting for the second season, but now ill take a look at the book aswell as i wait. It sounds like its a lot different :)

Fran said...

I wish people would hate Allegiant a little less, was it the best? No. But I feel like a lot of people hate the book because they didn't get the happy rainbows-all-around ending that they wanted, which annoys me. Books aren't in the business of making us happy, they're in the business of opening our eyes to a bigger world and its own way, Allegiant and all the Divergent books did that.

Anonymous said...

I loved the first season of Orange is the New Black, I just might have to read the book. I'm currently about half way through Allegiant.

Reb @ Sink or Swim said...

I haven't finished that trilogy yet but when my daughter did she threw Allegiant at the wall! If you are looking for any more YA dystopian fiction, I recommend the Maze Runner series or The Giver series.
Written in Red is fantasy (not sure if you read it) but was FANTASTIC.
I also read Wild, which I really liked but some people didn't click with the author at all.

Unknown said...

I just started Divergent! I'm so excited to start.. and I must have it read before the movie comes out!

Lisa C said...

Being fascinated with prison culture, have you ever watched the specials about women who marry their death row pen pals? It's quite interesting.

Kristin said...

I didn't really like the show OITNB, so I don't think I'd try the book. As for Divergent, Scott loved it!

Chantal said...

Just finished "Born to Run" and it was amazing. Now I'm on "The Light Between Oceans" and it's good so far!

Jenn said...

Man, all of y'all are on it doggonit! You're reading grown-up chapter books and I'm over here like, "I just finished a scintillating story about a train who just missed a cave collapse, only to be small enough to squeeze through and save his bigger train friends and turn out a hero!" Did I mention that I read it no fewer than five times in a row? Yes, it's THAT GOOD. Just can't put it down!

Kace said...

@bj I've heard the series is good and I have wanted to watch it!
@leslie Thank you for introducing them to me!

Kace said...

@lisa Yes, I have! Weird, weird, weird.

JG said...

I really need to read the Divergent series...but I REALLY need to finish the stack of books from the last two Christmases I still haven't gotten to yet. :p

Jenn said...

I bought the divergent series on my kindle but haven't gotten to them yet. Glad to hear it wasn't a waste!

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