Wednesday, February 26, 2014

To Keep You Apprised

I wrote a long post yesterday that will probably never be published. I talked about the rough time we've had as a couple since we moved home and the growing indifference I'm beginning to feel about this decision with J's job. Maybe I meant all of it, maybe I meant none of it. Regardless, in the archives it will stay because I can't bring myself to share that much. We were supposed to know the decision by now, but we were contacted- instructed to wait until tomorrow for news. I can still honestly say that we desire God's plan for our lives so we aren't very worried about what will happen. We also don't really want to move, but I suppose that's not off the table. The thing that makes me nervous is that I really like Cleveland. It is a great community of believers and it feels like home already. I have a running trail just minutes from my house. We found a church we enjoy. I can go out to TJMaxx and run into extended family there. I can't tell you how comforting that is after years of moving every year and never having anyone that can just stop by your house to visit or run into a loved one out in town. It gets incredibly lonely. All these reasons make me nervous because usually if I like the place we're living that means we are about to leave. It happened in Alaska, Georgia, and Florida. Just when I started to settle in with friends, a church, and a happy little life, the Army took us other places. 
Tomorrow also brings with it other news. Baby A (who is looking a lot less like a baby and a lot more like a little man!) has an appointment to have the ABR done. They are going to try to do it without sedation which I think is a pipe dream, but maybe it will work. I just hate to think of another wasted trip to Chattanooga, hours at the doctors office, and hours paying a babysitter only to learn nothing new. Sounds like life to me, though. Speaking of my dear middle child, he is changing so much! His hair is starting to curl like his big bro's and he's running all over the house to try to keep up. Toy scuffles are frequent and he is often winning.

Cray K holds his own, though. He is an incredibly sweet and feisty two year old. There are some days that I'm amazed he's mine. He wants to hold my hand all day, leading me around to show me things. "Watch this, Money!" "Take hand, take hand." He says the funniest things. At night when we pray, every name mentioned he is sure to tell us where they are which is "home". He also answers with "Of course!" more often than not. Would you like to go to the grocery store? "Of course!" It's just funny peeking into his brain. This is totally a mom paragraph, isn't it? Anyway, he's mostly sweet but as toddlers do he is often a fit-pitching crazy man. You never know what you're gonna get.

We love our boys...and we're looking forward to finding out the sex of the little avocado sized babe in my belly. It will be nice to pick out a name and start imagining the little personality and face of our third child. It's something to look forward to.
I have so much more to tell you. I've been a busy gal. I'm signed up (and Paid In Full- eek) to go back to school in a few weeks. I'm very nervous. I signed up for two online classes which is going to be incredibly difficult with the little ones at home. Last time I only had one class and it was hard to stay on top of things, but here's my theory: I excel the busier I am. I remember one semester as an undergrad that I took something like 18 or 19 hours and I OWNED it. Maybe that's what will happen this time. I'm busy with school, but I'm also busy raising our family and starting a business! I will tell you more about it in time but it involves combining two of my passions: faith and fitness. I'm excited about it and I hope you will be, too!
Speaking of exercise, I've been able to do it more regularly. As the weather warms up, I've been hitting the pavement more often, running mostly to clear my mind. It's unreal how much slower this pregnant belly of mine has made me. It's embarrassing, but I figure movement is better than no movement at all so I keep truckin'. I certainly feel like a semi when I'm out on the trail. When I'm not outside jogging, I use the weights in my home gym and enjoy a bike ride inside. If we find out J's job isn't affected by the downsizing, we are going to join the Y. I hope I stay passionate about being active during this pregnancy. Lord willin' I want to be jogging until the day I go into labor!

That's enough of an update. I had better go make these boys their breakfast. Happy middle-of-the-week, friends.



Jessica @ Better Together and Forever said...

Hugs to you sweet friend! I hope Baby A's doctor appointment goes well today. Also, you will need a new nickname for Baby A once Baby #3 arrives. Adorable A works. :) Haha! Lots of prayers going up for you today.

Jamie said...

Thinking about you guys. I hope you get all good news soon.

Kathryn B said...

Hugs to you! Marriage is not easy, I have experienced that on more than one occasion since my husband returned from his deployment. I'm here for ya and thinking of you!
I hope the next doc appointment goes well and you learn something new.
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you! Hoping for good news all around. xoxo

Louise Burnette Barnes said...

I adore you

Jen said...

Thinking of you during this time! Hugs!

JG said...

Girl, good for you for staying active! I swear that first trimester, if I so much as went to a meeting, I was basically a corpse the rest of the day.

How weird is it to say, "Our middle child?" I mean, weird in a good way :)

Kate @ Daffodils said...

Praying for baby 3, baby A and the toughness of being oldest baby K! These seasons of marriage and children are not easy. Hang in there!

Chantal said...

I can't imagine the stress of job insecurity. I hope and know everything will work out, one way or another.

And I agree with Jaci above... how weird is it to have a middle child?!

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