Monday, February 7, 2011

silly little blog

A bloggy pal recently published a post about why she blogged. I responded to her, but after a certain annoyance today in my life, I decided to elaborate here because it is such a good question. I was actually asked this very question today by someone else, too. What can I say, the people want to know!

I started this little blog, formerly called Confessions of a Snowbunny, to document my life in Alaska and allow my friends and family to keep up with me. For awhile, this answer was accurate. Then, magically, I started making connections with other bloggers who I didn't know in real life, some of which I can now consider friends.

My answer began to expand. I wasn't just writing to document my life; I was writing to create more connections all around the world. Isn't the internet great? Now, I write to keep myself sane. I write and speak my mind here and worry little about what others think because it's my blog and if they don't like it, they're free to leave. This is my space. Please don't get me wrong, I love hearing what you all have to say. Your responses and daily reading are awesome! I just don't feel the need to edit myself here and that's a great feeling.

As an adolescent, I let people run all over me. For the longest time, I let people be combative with me and rarely stood up for myself. Here that feeling melts away because I no longer care if you don't agree with what I'm spittin' out because it's all my opinion. I think I've always been pretty aware of what I say anyway because I never would want to intentionally offend anyone, but I'm not a mean person so that works out well! ;)

I blog what I want, when I want. It keeps me entertained. It keeps my brain tickin'. And hopefully, at times, it makes you laugh.

With that said, I'd like to invite all of you to join in on our latest hot topic with the ladies of (Mil)ing It Over at Chances I'm Taking. The linky is up through Sunday so we'd love to have you. Remember- feel free to speak your mind afterall it is your blog! Military or not, we'd love to hear what you have to say.

What are your benefits of blogging?

Check back in tomorrow to see what's lurking on my phone! As always, thank you for reading my silly little corner of the internet. I'm glad to have you here!

Much love,

Mrs. K


~Debra said...

Well said, lovely lady! And thanks for the nod! ;)

Mrs. K said...

You are welcome!

Lydia said...

very well said..!! I couldn't agree with u more.!! In our blogs we express everything and anything..!

btw.. GAVE U AN AWARD!!! go over to my blog and check it out!!

much love mommy 2 be.!

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