Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Life is good.

Life is good. Life is good. Life is good. If I just keep repeating it in my mind then I'll be reminded that it's true. The last couple days have been interesting and brought about some dreadful, awful pretty exciting changes. As is true for most things Army, what I'm about to tell you isn't definite yet. We don't have orders, but we were told to pack our bags after his class is up- we're headed to Louisiana. The post we're supposedly going to is often considered the "armpit of all Army posts". Oh, joy.

I'm going to give it a chance, though. People complain that it's hot and there's nothing to do there, but ya know what? People complained that it was dreadfully cold at Ft. Wainwright and there was nothing to do there, either but that ended up being our favorite duty station thus far. We aren't city mice anyway- we're definitely the country kind so I'm confident we can make it in that tiny, little, humid, swampy town.

My only complaint now is that I'll be traveling while 8 months pregnant, attempting to get settled in a new house a month before the baby arrives, and frantically searching for my new doctor who will be taking over where B. Arthur (don't you just love his name?) will leave off. This, for lack of a better word- sucks.

That is life in the Army, though. You roll with the punches!

Instead of focusing on that negative, I'm trying to hold on to life here in Georgia and enjoying every moment. Just yesterday, I sat on the front porch for hours enjoying a good book. The porch swing swayed to my own rhythm and every now and then, I'd close my eyes and listen to my husband playing his guitar. With music drifting through our home, I realized my life is good. It's very, very good.

We had an 80 degree day yesterday! Around town, girls were donning cute springy dresses and flip flops. The breeze felt amazing and to top it off, I looked over to see flowers blooming all over the bush by my front porch. We picked up our silly, little mutts and brought them into the backyard to play. I sure missed them!

It's moments like these that I know I'll be just fine in Louisiana. My husband, my babe, and my dogs are more than enough happiness to last me through our years stationed there. J and I thrived being far away from family in Alaska. Sure, we had rough spots, but for the most part we had to only rely on ourselves. There's an attractiveness in that to only truly have each other in driving distance. I can't run off to Mom when Captain J makes me mad, instead of talking it out with him. No one is stopping by to help out with the baby, which will help us in the long run to be good parents. I'm sure we'll learn really quickly how our lives  will have done a 180 when the baby arrives! Relying on each other will bond any marriage and is just a reminder that we are a family now- Just J, me, and our little baby.

I'm thankful when military life can teach me something new. In this case, it's just a reminder, though. I must remember to slow down, enjoy every moment, be thankful for the life inside me, and realize that I have all that I've ever wanted in life. My family is growing and I am thrilled about it! So our little fetus didn't get Germany or Hawaii or any of the other fabulous places we put on our list- We'll work with what we've got to make that child the happiest, most well adjusted baby we possibly can. Isn't that what parents do for their children?

Life is good.


sespi said...

You've got a great attitude about it! I don't know if you follow her on twitter, but @AshleyAmzing just left Louisiana -- she might be able to answer some questions for you if you have any about the post or general area.

"S" Loving Wife said...

A blog friend of mine was in Louisiana for some time and didn't think it was as awful as many people make it out to be, it just requires a little more effort to get to things that are off post. Glad to see you have a great attitude about it!

chancesimtaking said...

You have an amazing attitude about it all and that will take you far. You will always find someone who hates this place or that place but i think it's truly what you make it. I found comfort in know it wouldn't last forever. Even if it was the worst place in the world, eventually 2-3 years later you will move again. That helps me keep it all in perspective. I hated Alabama when we got here but it has grown on me. I really want to enjoy what time we have left here and explore what I can. One thing I can tell you is visit New Orleans it was fun. Amazing food and lots of great culture to soak up.

hilary said...

Haha I love that your doctor has the same name as one of the Golden Girls! :)

Anywho...attitude is everything. I hated Fort Drum before we got here b/c all I had heard was how terrible it is. Truthfully, spring, summer, and fall are absolutely beautiful. The winter is rough, but you get used to it. Bloom where you're planted, right?!

I don't remember who it was now...but one of the blogger ladies lived there and said Polk had some awesome nature trail, or something....if that's your kind of thing...maybe it's something to look forward to :)

Becca said...

You will TOTALLY be just fine moving and getting re-settled at 8mon preggo. Driving for long distances does suck at that stage, I won't lie, but in my opinion, the timing is actually really good for a lot of reasons. For one, it's right at the whole "nesting" stage. You kind of get this massive surge of energy (or at least I did) about then, despite feeling overall tired :) It's hard to explain. Just take lots (LOTS) of breaks and you'll be rockin'. Better to do it this way than to have to do it after your baby is 2 months old :)

Besides, LA has swamps...you can always become the first preggo Army wife ever to go on a snake hunt through the bayou :) Somehow, I wouldn't put it past you....

Mowenackie said...

Oh! Is it Ft Polk? T had several trainings there before Afghan-i-land and he said it is definitely an armpit there. But, life in the Army is much like the weather in New England - if you don't like it, wait 5 minutes and it will change!

Mrs. K said...

thanks for the advice/encouragement y'all! "bloom where you're planted"- I like that. Yes, we're headed to Ft. Polk. I'll be snake wrestling before we know it ;)

Kristine said...


Your attitude about moving again speaks volumes for you. We are up for orders now...We have been for quite some time. I have not wanted to leave here. We were lucky enough to extend our stay here. That can be a good, or a bad, thing. After staying here so long, we have accumulated probably more than we should've. It just felt good to be able settle some where, and call it home for so long. The best part is..we're only a short drive from my parents in Georgia. We really don't want to move away from them. We've really gotten accustomed to the family get-togethers. Any how, I'm just rambling on here...I guess my main point is that I'm starting to accept that we are leaving and, in some small way, I am looking forward to our next adventure of our military lives. I wish you all the luck that this life has to offer you. I'll keep you in my thought and prayers.


Shannon said...

I've never been to Ft. Polk and I really haven't heard to much about it. I want to say that we are 2 hours from there (but I'm not exactly sure). I will tell you that we have embraced Louisiana. When we got our orders I was a little hesitant about the whole deal. I had so many people telling me how bad it was but if there is one thing that I have learned in our military journey, is that you have to take each moment for what its worth. If you don't like it, you just remind yourself that its not forever. We really like it here. Yes I miss the beaches and the mountains but there are so many things that we have all gained since moving here. There is history and culture and everyday has been a learning journey for us. I can't say that I would live here forever but for now, it is our home.

I love that you have a positive atitude about life. As long as you keep that attitude, life will be good and you and Captain J will be providing wonderful experiences and memories for your baby!!!

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