Monday, October 10, 2011

Two Months

Dear Baby K,

My, how you've grown! Just two months ago you were this tiny 6 lb 8 oz baby, but you're slowly growing into Mommy's squishy, healthy little two month old. I can't believe it. You sure do like to eat, though. I started pumping this month because we both got a case of thrush. :( It broke my heart to see you in pain. Now, you get pretty frustrated if anyone takes that bottle away. We may have trouble transitioning you to solids later on in life.

(Please ignore the finger. He knows not what he does.)

You started smiling a lot more this month. We've decided you have definitely discovered a range of emotions as you have perfected your pouty face, too. In addition to these exciting changes, you are also blowing bubbles a lot and listening to your own voice as you coo and cah. It's the most precious thing I've ever heard or seen. You sure are loved, Baby K.

You have begun to play more and that makes Mama happy! I love to see your eyes wide with wonder (or confusion) when you use your hand to move "Rosco" the giraffe or the un-named monkey on your bouncer. For fun, we love to go out on walks. You used to fall asleep immediately once your skin touched the warm air, but as Fall touches down at Ft. Polk and you get a little older, it takes a whole lap around the neighborhood before you drift off for some zzz's.

Your sleep schedule has improved. I almost hate to say that because I don't want to jinx us, but you have a pretty predictable nighttime routine. You go to bed around 9 or 10pm and sleep until about 2am when you wake up to eat. Then you wake up again around 6am. After that, you'll sleep until about 9am. We're pleased with this schedule and hope it keeps up! There were a couple of times this month that I woke up in a panic because you hadn't cried for your bottle and it was already 4am! I may or may not have stirred you when I went to your room to check for breathing. Speaking of, we moved you back into our room for bedtime. We missed you... so sue us and well, your dad is even more paranoid than I am.

Oh, Baby K- how you are loved. Keep smilin' kid. Love you to the moon and back.




Ashley Lowe said...

Oscar sleeps in the bed with us lol I don't like when he is in the other room or even in the pack-n-play right beside the bed b/c I have to actually get up to check on him

Haleigh Steele said...

I love it!!!! Happy Bday baby K!!!

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