Monday, October 17, 2011

Guilt Notes

Another blogger told me of her guilt notes, those little things in parenthood that make us feel bad. I thought I'd talk a little about mine here today because it's been one of those days. Guys, beware. I mention the girls in this post.

I woke up early this morning in puddles. It's no way to wake up. No one tells you when you're thinking about breastfeeding all the negatives that come with it. One of these (many) negatives is that when your baby finally decides to sleep for longer stretches, your body doesn't always get the hint. If your body doesn't adjust quickly, then you may find yourself in the predicament I'm in now- infected breasts, engorgement, clogged ducts- the works!

At 5am, little K was sleeping soundly, but I wasn't because I was soaked in breast milk. I've always (for the most part) made too much milk. There was one point that I thought I might be drying up but that seems completely absurd to me now. When I pump, I get about 10 ounces each time. If I don't pump every few hours, I get clogged ducts. These are very painful, making it difficult to carry my son around.This isn't the first time Ive had issues with nursing. After a bout of thrush, we decided to go to bottles. Even though my babe was still getting the best nutrients he can have through pumped breast milk, I still felt bad for not breast feeding him directly. Enter guilt notes.

After adjusting very well to this method, I became a slave to the machine. It was often that I thanked God for the gift of the smart phone. Most of my day is wasted waiting on the machine to pump out the goods. Don't get me wrong, I'm quite thankful that I can feed my son. Enter guilt notes again. I'm happy that I'm able to produce milk when so many women have issues doing it. That's just it. I feel guilty for wasting copious amounts of milk, crying in the shower while it circles down the drain. I feel guilty for half wanting it to just go away. I feel guilty for occasionally feeling as if I don't want to share my body with my two month old anymore.

I read somewhere once that Moms were the most judgmental group of individuals there were. The article said we judge each other constantly. Just think of all the controversial issues we deal with on a daily basis: co-sleeping, breastfeeding, cloth diapering, vacinations, cry-it-out, and the list goes on.

But I find the best advice to me has been those of you who told me, 'You'll find what works for you'. Right now breastfeeding is working(ish) and I'm going to keep truckin' with it, but I definitely don't judge any of you who might have thrown in the towel. This sucks. It's hard. I feel your pain.

And what's best for the baby is a happy mama who is well-prepared to take care of him/her, not one who is battling a whole other set of issues during feeding time.

What's listed in your guilty notes?

Over and out.


Doodling Through Life said...

Goodness..we do worry as mothers, don't we? Not having enough milk makes me think I'm not drinking enough water, taking care of myself, when I realize at this point in nursing, I've made it this far, I should be ok! :)

Mrs. K said...

You're doing a great job, I'm sure. You're a pro now! :) Z is so cute.

Jamie@ HandlingWithGrace said...

It was hard for me too. I worried constantly (too little, too much, too much spit up, too supplement or not, etc). I kept up with it mostly out of guilt since my Mom was a midwife and lactation consultant. Then after 3 or 4 months, I realized that it was working fine and I didn't have to worry anymore. Hopefully that happens for you soon.

Mrs. K said...

I hope so, too. I think if I can just deal for a few more months that I'll begin to get used to it and it will be no big deal. Here's to hoping!

Nicki said...

I have two guilt notes. Well, I have many, but two for now, lol. My first is for baby Liam. I am also breastfeeding, so I can relate to this, but my problem is that he will not take a bottle. Therefore, I cannot leave him for a very long period of time, and I am always the one getting up with him at night. I agree with you that some women would love to be able to breastfeed, but there are times when I just so wish he would take a bottle so I could have a break, especially right now because he's teething and nursing is his way to soothe which means, Mommy is SORE!

My second is that sometimes I play a cartoon on my computer for Gabriel so I can have the TV to watch my soap or a Real Housewives' episode. ;)

Mrs. K said...

Ya gotta watch your stories! haha I'm sorry Liam won't take a bottle. That must be extra tiring! :(

Misc. « Mrs. K and Captain J said...

[...] worth it, though. I cannot tell you how much I love these bottles. After writing this post the other day, I randomly decided I would give nursing (directly) another try. I haven’t [...]

dates, screams, and things « Mrs. K and Captain J said...

[...] finally got a different answer, along with some medication. I really hope it works. Remember those guilt notes I talked about? Go ahead and tack on feeling bad about not standing up for him more when I knew [...]

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