It took me back to reunions with Captain J after a long time gone, specifically a deployment. If ever you lose faith in humanity, go to an airport. You'll likely witness a reunion of any two people who haven't seen each other for awhile. Perhaps someone is carrying flowers. Maybe they make a mad dash to each other to get that hug faster. Perhaps they stand in awe and excitement at first at the sight of that person and the realization that the time spent apart is over and slowly registers on their face with a big smile. These expressions always get to me, especially if the party involved is in uniform because it's likely that the separation has been a long one.
I bawled, I mean bawled on our way back from TN to AK last Christmas as I witnessed a mom in uniform saying goodbye to her young daughter. She was headed to Iraq and would miss an entire year of her daughter's life. An entire year of first steps, first words, and hearing "Mama" for the first time. The only thing that halted my tears was picturing what that reunion would look like 365 days from then.
The first time I welcomed J home from Iraq from R&R after 7ish months away, I was nervous and excited and spent most of those last few hours in LaLa Land. When I saw him and was encompassed by his arms, all felt right with the world. I rarely have that feeling! I knew I was right where I was supposed to be and I was elated to have him home.
The second time I welcomed him home I blogged about here. :) Now, excuse me while I go dote on my husband to let him know I'm so happy he's home.
way to make me cry Mrs K. it's a happy cry though
One of my Facebook friends posted this video and I cried the whole way through. It is so amazing what these people do for their country, and seeing the happy faces on their families faces was amazing!!!!
I'm such a sap! *love your blog by the way*
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