Monday, August 2, 2010

a taste of wine (and regret) weekend

Hello Readers. Much has happened since we last spoke. Please allow me to update you with the goings-on around me. My hubby returned home, much later than we expected. It didn't matter much, though because I was in good ole North Pole helping out a friend (ahem...Shannon's Blog). Did you like my plug-in there? I've linked to this lady before, but I wanted to do so again because she is fabulous. Anyway, I was very happy to welcome Captain J home, but as I write that now it seems odd because he is already leaving again. I'll be saying my goodbyes again tonight.

We made the most of our weekend. Saturday we spent way too much money and acted like rockstars. To start the night off, we went to a restaurant nestled on the Chena River for appetizers and wine. We dined on the porch and talked about our future and starting a family. We sipped on Riesling and had a tasty fruit and cheese plate and thought about where we would head next. After making a quick run on post, we went back to our extravagant (well, extravagant for us) spending spree and found ourselves at Bobby's, a local Greek restaurant. We enjoyed a dinner of greek pizza, salad, and red wine and headed towards the door to make our last stop for dessert.

We love doing that--eating our courses at different locations. It can get pricey, though but we do it when we can. It's just that much more time we get to spend together at meal times.

Anyway, on the way out the door we spotted a friend who invited us to join his party of six so we decided to just have dessert in the bar area with them. We shared a hefty piece of Baklava and topped off the night with coffee and white Russians. Yum!

What a lovely evening after a hard days work! Oh, that's right...I didn't tell you. J and I built a fenced in area for our sweet doggies. When we left that evening, Solstice and Drifter were enjoying playing in their new pen. We returned home from our night out on the town and wanted to bring the dogs inside so we could spend some time with them before we went to bed. J had Solstice by the collar when Drifter charged after her, scaring her into running. She got out of Captain J's grasp and shot off out of the neighborhood with Drifter trailing her. We later found her collar, but no Solstice. :( I really regret not hooking her into a leash immediately instead of having J just hold her there. We picked up Drifter and continued to call out for Solstice and search the wooded areas around where we last saw her. I even called a friend that works at the animal shelter inquiring about her, but we've had no luck. I just want to know she's okay. She really is a sweet dog. I guess she didn't like it here with us, but I think that's because she had been abused. She didn't like any humans we introduced her to. I spent that evening and the next morning hoping she would wander back our way so I left her crate outside with the door open, but we've seen no sign of her. I fear she won't ever be caught because she doesn't allow people very close to her. Hopefully a nice family with a pack of sled dogs has taken her in. She's happiest outside with a bunch of other dogs. If you're in the Fairbanks area and see this dog, please let me know.

In her absence, we got another dog that seems to be very well suited for D-Nugget. Her name is Holly and she's two years old. They love playing together! She seems much more loyal to us already. I took them both to the park yesterday and she kept "checking in" with me every few minutes. What a sweet girl!

If Holly gets away it will break my heart and we will definitely be done in the dog department! I've got my hands full with these two little bundles of energy, but I also have much more quiet time now, too. Huskies are pack animals so having more than one is definitely much easier, in my opinion. Don't worry...we're done adopting!

Enough about pets, let's talk about kids! Not mine yet because those are non-existent, but you must check out this lady's blog to see all the interesting photos she takes while imagining what her sleeping baby is dreaming of. These pictures are so precious! I cannot believe the baby sleeps through all this-

Mila's Daydreams

I think that's enough randomness for now. Until next time, Ta-ta!

(Photo credit here and here.)


Jenn said...

Aww I'm sorry girlie. Your new dog Holly looks like she fits right in thought. Who knows maybe Solstice ran into a group of wild dogs where she fits right in. I'm glad your loving the new doggy though. Hmm... kids you say? I'm sensing this might be a good topic for us since J and I talking about family this weekend too.

Lydia said...

:( how sad that she ran away! I hope she doesn't get hurt and is well with a new family already :(

and yay for Holly!! She seems sweet !!

Shannon said...

haha..thanks for the plug! :) You are the sweetest for helping me out! Can't wait to hang out soon..cheer tryouts isn't exactly the best place to chat! Looks like a great weekend...I'm assuming you met up for Andrew's crazy birthday shenanigans! Hope you guys had fun!

Twelve in One « Mrs. K and Captain J said...

[...] brought about some great weather and a new addition to our household! We took a very memorable trip to Wonder Lake in Denali National [...]

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