Tuesday, June 15, 2010

You're goin' places, baby!

Remember the fabulous J. Ashley over at Be Real Be Happy? Well, she gave me a blog award and I'm pretty pumped about it. Thanks, girl!

The rules of this award are:

  1. Describe where I think I'll be in 10 years.

  2. Pass the fun along to 10 other bloggers.

In ten years, I'll be 34 years young. That seems like such a long time away, but I know it will go by fast. Just the other day, I met a couple from London, England who I eagerly talked to about their neck of the woods. I went to the United Kingdom not too long ago (or so I thought) so it was fun hearing about their lives there and remembering some of the places I visited while I was there. I was having trouble remembering specific names of places when I realized--that trip was ten years ago. TEN! It felt strange to realize that much time has passed by already. Life goes by so fast, doesn't it?

I may get long-winded on this. I'll try not to, though.

Where will I be in ten? I have always found this question difficult to answer. Maybe that comes with age, though. Young people usually see so many possibilities that it's hard to fathom one, clear path- at least that was my experience. Now, I feel slightly more settled.

I see myself living happily with Captain J somewhere in the south--close to family. We also have a family of our own. There's a couple of kids running around outside, playing with Drifter. My house is nice and clean and I just sat down with a glass of wine outside with J while he throws some steaks on the grill. Maybe I'm enjoying some downtime because I finally have a job that I enjoy and I put my whole heart into it. Maybe I'm only working part time at a job that I love while I juggle being a mom and housewife at home. I see us settled--with the military no longer dictating where we'll live or how much time I get to see my husband.

That all sounds pretty great! But honestly, I'm not sure where I'll be in ten years. I'm enjoying the ride and trusting in God's plans for me, not my own. Life always works out better for me when I realize He's in control and knows what He's doing!

I'd like to pass this award on to some of my favorite military bloggers because obviously--They're going places. Being a part of the military or marrying into the military will definitely create a lifestyle of relocating here and there, but even more than that--these women stand by their men and are faithful and happy partners for them, too. These women are so strong and that really goes along way. Here's to you, ladies!

1. Shannon @ An Army Wife's Alaskan Adventures

2. Whitney @ Everything Happens for a Reason

3. d.a.r @ Just Another Day in {our midwest} paradise

4. Dani @ The Last Frontier aka North Pole, Alaska

5. Jessica @ The (Mis)Adventures of An Army Wife

6. Jenn @ Chances I'm Taking

In true Mrs. K fashion- I'm going to stop at 6.

The Cap'n and I are headed for a lil camping trip and some King Salmon fishin'! Do you think I can reel one of those in? I've got my doubts. I'm sure we'll have a good time, though. When I return, I'll tell you all about it. Peace out girl/boy scout!

(I also have some posts scheduled to automatically publish while I'm gone. Check back in tomorrow to read about our ziplining adventures!)



Whitney said...

Thanks girl :)

Shannon said...

Thanks!! Have fun on your camping adventure!

Jessica @ {Mis}Adventures of an Army Wife said...

Thank you for the comment! For some reason your blog wasn't showing on my reader. =( But, no worries, we've rectified that situation! Thank you for the award!

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