Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dog Days Part 2

I've been a full-time stay at home dogsitter and maid (again) for less than a day and I'm already ready to pull my hair out. I hate, hate, hate not having the freedom that a vehicle brings. Sure it sounds like the life- no job, no worries but honestly, I'd rather have children to tend to than these two dogs. Drifter is terrible. He makes me crazy.Yesterday, he chewed a hole in my sweater. And Holly has developed some bad barking habits at the kennel. She barked all night last night. It wouldn't be that bad if I just had a car to take them to the dog park to get all this energy out, but I don't. I just attempted to take them for a walk, but they wanted to play so badly that they just ended up a big tangled mess with me smack dab in the middle. I find myself wishing J was the one who stayed at home and I was off at work. I can't work, though because I have no transportation to get to said job. Note to all the milspouses reading, if you're ever stationed at Ft. WW -bring your car! It doesn't matter how short of a time period it is that you'll be here, you're going to want it. It will be completely worth it, I promise. 

And now I'm going to pray the next hour or two flies by so that maybe I'll stay sane. I just sent Captain J a text that said, "We're going to the dog park tonight or I have to leave the house. One of the two."

Yes, it's that serious.


Nicki McMasters said...

I totally understand! I'm at home every day without a car too, and although I don't have two large, energetic dogs to care for, I do have a toddler that gets bored, and there's only so many times you can go to the neighborhood playground! I always find myself needing something from the store, or wanting to go to the gym, or just wanting to get out of the house. I'm sure, if I did have the car, I would still spend most of my days at home, but there's still something about knowing you at least have the option to get out if you want to!

Mrs. K said...

Yes, Nicki! You said that perfectly. When the option is there, it's so much better. I'd love to go the gym whenever I wanted or to pick up whatever I may need at the store when I think of it.

Annoyed Army Wife said...

Yikes! Not having a car is rough! (Or ruff in your case) I am so lame! OccDoc sold his cars before the deployment and we had to 'share' mine for a month, which basically meant he took it. Yuck! A month of bumming rides and walking everywhere got old really fast.

Carolina N said...

Yes, it's me. Your dear friend who left you stranded in Alaska! I wish I were there to escape with you! I always had a vehical, but hardly had anywhere to go! I miss you, and wish we were closer. Soon, though, I know. But dang it! I am impatient!

Take care! Keep your sanity! See you soon (hopefully!)

Dave Weigle said...

What's wrong with the Jeep? Tell J his Dad said he needs to drive it at least 2 or 3 days a week! It'll be good for the Jeep, you, and therefore, him!

lovesofmylife said...

Ah lady, that blows! I don't know ho I'd live without a car..
I'm sure that didn't help any!

Lydia said...

the best of luck solving this car problem.. as for the dogs.. take them out for a long run every day.. they'll for sure get tired.. but I completely understand your stress... I get so angry when I have to clean CJ's apt every, single day because of the dogs! Since we are keeping the rescued puppy there while we find her a good home.. so I have to mop like twice times a day and it gets so tiring!!

God in the Yard « Mrs. K and Captain J said...

[...] in a good spot and my soul was telling me that I need to change that. Just two days ago, I sat down to write about my silly, furry friends and it turned into a vent about not having trans... (which, I’m sure if I kept writing, would turn into “I don’t have a job. [...]

Jenn said...

Yeah not having a car is rough! While I don;t go out all that often Knowing I can makes me stay sane!

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