Monday, September 20, 2010

I Cry

Well, I heard his voice today. I just got off the phone with him and all that built up anxiety, frustration, and loneliness that comes from being without my spouse for weeks is now spilling out. I should be happy to hear from him, but now I'm so much more desperate to be with him. I miss him so much. When he goes away, I feel like I lose him. I'm ready to find him now, ready to wake up beside him, ready to get on with our happily ever after.

When one marries their partner they think that person will always be there through every up and down. When I watched my great grandfather being buried with military honors yesterday and I didn't have my husband standing beside me, it was even more heartbreaking. At that point, J didn't even know that he had passed away because I wasn't allowed to talk to him. Being a military spouse is hard.

Tonight I cry for all those families whose soldier missed a birthday, anniversary, or holiday. I cry for every widow who never got to hear from their spouse again. I cry for every child who misses their absent parent.

Thank you, soldiers and families, for all that you do!


Mrs. K


Sarah Nicole said...

I really hope you are able to be with him again very soon. I am sorry to hear about your great grandfather. It must have been heard to deal with that with out J. I hope your family gives you the support you need while you are away from your husband.

lovesofmylife said...

Awww girl, I'm so sorry he couldn't be with you during this last week.... and especially that you couldn't talk to him. I can't even imagine how hard that would be. You will see him soon and keep your chin up! If you need anything or just to chat, let me know!

Mrs. K said...

Thank you both for your sweet words. I'm feeling much less whiney today.

Lydia said...

You are in my prayers.. all military spouses are actually.. I hope and I pray that time flies for you.. and that when you least expect it.. you'll see your husband again.. hope you feel much better! It's actually good to let these emotions out*.. my dad always says that it's less painful than keeping them in.


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