Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Plans & Premieres

My apologies for my last post. I was a bit whiney...a bit complainy...and that's unattractive, isn't it? I had a busy day yesterday. Laura Faye and I headed to Pigeon Forge to see what damage we could do to our wallets. Yes, I went shopping again. I purchased a cute hat, some new jeans (as if I needed more of those!), and a few Christmas presents. Most important of all is that I got to spend time with my dear friend. I really miss having them close by when I'm away. After a scenic drive through Townsend, Tennessee we arrived back to my neck of the woods where I was scheduled to meet up with my family to watch my step-brother's football game. He played really well and I was excited to get to watch at least one of my brothers playing the sport they enjoy. Afterwards, the whole gang went out to eat. I arrived home feeling completely drained so when the comforting voice of my husband came from the other end of the line, I just lost it. I miss him- I'll admit, but I'm feeling better today.

I have plans to see so many people today that I probably shouldn't be sitting down to blog, but it gives me a sense of normalcy and I don't feel quite as hectic when I go through this routine part of my day. I'm enjoying my second cup of coffee as I attempt to catch up on blogs and fast forward through the commercials from last night's Dancing With The Stars. Who are you rooting for? I have so many favorites already. Usually Captain J would rather not watch DWTS, but I hope I can talk him into it this season. What a great week for television! Biggest Loser is back tonight. Greys Anatomy. GREYS ANATOMY!! I can't wait.

Tomorrow I'm going hiking with my dad and step-mom, Julie. I'm pretty pumped about that! One of my goals while visiting was to get outside to be reminded of why I love Tennessee so much. I quickly realized that might not happen because there were so many people to see, places to go. When they mentioned wanting to head to the mountains last week, I jumped at the chance. I hope to take lots of pictures to share with you later on next week. Have a wonderful Tuesday, y'all!


Jenn said...

I'm glad your feeling better and soaking up all the great company you can.

Sarah Nicole said...

Have fun hiking. I didn't realize you were in TN. Depending on which city you aren't too far from where I am! Hope you enjoy the rest of your visit! :]

Lydia said...

Nice to read you are all better.. and your last post is NOTHING to apologize for..
I'm so happy to see you are getting a lot of fun things done with great company!*

Have fun!


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