Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Silent Night

I was reading this new mom's post and it inspired me to write about the past couple of days.

Like she said, I also am afraid to utter these words:

Baby K finally seems happy.

No doubt there are still some issues with reflux, gas, and the like, but over the last few days I have seen an amazing change in him. He has been hanging out with his YaYa, Papa Joe, and Uncle Jake a lot more so I hope it continues and it's not just that my mom is a much better mother than I am. Ha!

I've spaced out his feedings a bit more, added gas drops to his daily routine, and have been working harder at getting him to nap. The latter has completely changed my world the last couple of days. Typically, if he gets a short nap in the morning and a long one in the afternoon then he is in a much better mood during the evening before bed. When we were in Louisiana, he was napping for three hours in the afternoon and we experienced a marked difference in his mood. Sometimes it's less here in Tennessee because there's a lot going on around here at Christmas time. Still, he's happier. I can tell.

I'm so thankful for my mom and her suggestions in helping Baby K to feel better.

I'm thankful for other bloggers who write about what works for them.

I'm glad to read or hear other moms talk about how they struggled and overcame, too.

The point is- each person has to find what works for them. Babies, even at four months, have little personality quirks developing. It's a task to find out what these are and how to handle them. One of Baby K's is a fierce resistance to sleep. Perhaps he wants to be in the middle of all the action. If so, he's not like his Mama in that regard! But it's one of my jobs to help him try to get some rest.

Our schedule is a bit more structured during the day and it seems to be helping. I hope it continues.

Last night, Captain J and I were able to have a date night with another couple. It was the longest we had ever left our little man. We were gone from 2:30-10:30pm and Mom said Baby K only cried for about 10 minutes! This is a huge change. Usually when we have to leave him, he screams the entire time. We just thought it was part of his nighttime/evening routine because we were told he was colicky. I'm so relieved that he's starting to feel a little better with all the new sleep he is getting. It makes a night out on the town with my hubby not so full of guilt and worry.

This is what has been working for us lately and I truly hope it continues. Since we've been in Tennessee, Baby K has slept through the night the whole time, too!

What about you? How do you get your child to sleep?


Melonie Tallman said...

Kacy, I am sure you noticed from all your previous replies that everyone struggles to get their kids to sleep. Our little Alli couldn't function without being on a very strict schedule. Even as young as 8 weeks I remember that if she was more than 15 minutes past her nap time she was a screaming mess. It made for a very difficult first 6+ months considering I just wanted to be able to get out of the house every once in a while but she wouldn't sleep unless she was in her own bed or her pack and play in a very dark room with a sound machine on. But you know after we figured out how to soothe her (and learned how to pack up her entire room to go with us) it became way easier. I hope that you are through the worst part, but don't become concerned if all of the sudden he goes back to not sleeping all night. Your almost at the teething stage and that can really mess with sleep schedules again. :-) Good luck!

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