Tuesday, April 3, 2012

{Not} Saving Planet Earth

Two mothers are standing around comparing prices on the oodles of baby items available that all seem to be "must haves" according to the parenting magazines. One loads a case of diapers into her buggy and says, "Can you believe the price of a case of diapers these days?" "Oh, we cloth diaper," the other woman snootily replies as she makes her way past the fellow mother in the baby isle at Walmart.

You know the kind I'm referring to.

Truth is, a lot of parents think their way of doing things is the only way of doing things. Co-sleeping, breastfeeding, you name it- someone has an opinion about the way you should be raising your child. But a lot of people have asked me recently about cloth diapering and why I do it so I thought I'd address that here. I'm not saying, "My way is better" by any means because I'm a huge advocate for doing what is best for you and your family!

My number one rule for cloth diapering? No stress. If you're going to stress yourself out about laundry then it's not even worth it. I don't mind doing laundry. I don't really enjoy putting it way, but the diapers you just stuff in a drawer and you're done. No biggie. If I haven't washed the diapers, we usually always have disposables on hand just in case. The same thing is true if I haven't stuffed the cloth diapers- sometimes I just don't want to, ya know? And I never feel bad about it.

But y'all! It IS so much cheaper to cloth diaper. That's the primary reason I do it. Buying a case of diapers and seeing them go to waste is like watching J's hard earned money go straight down the drain. It bothers me. It's not because I'm all green or because I want to save planet Earth, I do it because I'm cheap!

And I like the cutsey colors on his little tush.

Also, he never gets diaper rash (*knock on wood).

It is not my aim to save the planet. It is not my intent to fit in with the cool kids who are using cloth. If I'm being honest, I really don't do it because it's so much better for K's skin. I use cloth diapers because it's easy on the wallet and I'm alllll about saving where we can. Because I stay at home, this is easily managed for our family. I wash diapers every 2-3 days and you know what? I feel accomplished after I do it. If I don't get anything else done that day- at least there's that!


I hope my husband isn't reading this.

Do you cloth diaper? If so, why do you do it? Maybe you use disposables? What works for you and yours?

P.S.- Don't forget to link up your amazing drawings from Draw Something tomorrow- right here at MrsKandCaptainJ.net


Karen said...

We cloth diaper - we started doing it because Nora has such sensitive skin and was getting rashes from diapers, wipes, creams, you name it. We started doing the cloth diapers and it was gone instantly. As you know, we started with a diaper service and I am KICKING myself for not washing them myself from the start - that would have saved us even more money. And washing them is nowhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be lol.

Kace said...

I know, right? I thought it was going to be pretty disgusting, too. It does gross me out at times, but it's nowhere near as bad as I imagined. What's your favorite brand/type of fluff?

Unknown said...

I'm cheap too. When we found out we were pregnant with Gracie I knew there was no way we were going to be able to afford to diaper both of them and Noah was no where near ready to start potty training when she was born. After a few weeks, husband asked why we had so much extra money in the bank and I told him it's because we weren't spending $30 a week + on diapers. We'll be cloth diapering this new baby when she decides to make her arrival... and honestly? I'm totally excited about cloth diapering a newborn again :D

Jenn said...

I *love* cloth diapering!! It appeals to my green side (am a major recycle person), my mama side (no chemicals on my baby's bottom!), AND my cheap side. But especially my cheap side. (yes, I have many sides. Presumably because there is still a lot of baby weight to lose..)

I (stupidly) opened two packs of newborn diapers and cannot WAIT to finish them so I can start Molly on cloth. I just refuse to have those newborn tar poos touch my pretty fluff. ;) but luckily (I think?) we are past the tar and onto seedy mustard. Ok will stop talking now...

Kace said...

The savings are amazing. We have used cloth diapers since K was about 3 weeks old. I will definitely be doing it with any future children, too! I hope your little miss decides to come out soon. Looking forward to seeing photos!

Kace said...

ew. haha. My friend makes her own cloth diapers and she let me use hers for awhile when K was tiny. Those totally sold me on using cloth- so easy and they fit so well.

erika said...

I'm so not one of those moms who is passionate about it and has to talk to everyone about it or pass judgement on people who use disposables. I'm also not big on the 'green' thing, etc. I don't even get the mentality of the moms who have their "stash" that they have to add to by getting dozens of 'cute' diapers no one will ever see.

But money? Heck yes! That's why we do it, and I think it's wonderful. If we ever have another baby, I'm so glad we'll be cloth diapering from the start and saving even more money!

Kace said...

About the stash- how in the world do these people save money if they keep adding to it?! I love getting a new diaper in the mail, but it's not an often occurence. Stash envy might be something I suffer from, though. ;)

Karen said...

We use bummies prefolds (because I hate stuffing diapers) and our fave covers are the Flip ones and I also like Rumparooz. We have two of each. It's more the smell that grosses me out now, my sniffer is still super sensitive lol.

Kace said...

We tried to cd on vacation once. It was rough! Definitely doing disposables next time around!

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