Friday, April 6, 2012

This and That

This morning was EARLY, just like last. I'm not sure what the dealio is, but I'd appreciate it if my soon-to-be eight month old would remember how to sleep through the night. Wake-up calls at 3 & 5 are not my friend. It doesn't help that I'm not feeling up to par this morning. Oh well, it's another day here at the Mrs. K and Captain J household and I'm blessed. So much so.

It's Good Friday! Which means I can get back on Facebook in two days because Lent will officially be over. I'm glad! It was a smidge difficult trying to look stuff up without it. Who knew so many businesses only have FB pages for info? Not this girl. Plus, every time I had to (emphasis on had) sign into Pinterest, I had to sign in with Facebook. I have missed all of my friends on there and look forward to catching up with all of you.

Speaking of Pinterest, yesterday I heard my husband mutter, "Oh, wait, I already pinned that." I about died, y'all. Captain J barely participates in any social media/networking websites so when I came home from a mini shopping spree with Jenn, I see him trying to request an invite. He ended up just creating a folder on mine entitled, "...Man Stuff"which is why I've been pinning lots of log cabin ideas the past few days.

Other things that have cracked me up recently?

(If you'd like to download that app it's called PhotoAge and it's freeeeee)
Happy Friday to ya!


Amber Nicole said...

Oh my gosh, I've been trying to get hubby to make a pinterest account but he refuses. He just sucks. haha.

Kace said...

I'm still in shock that J decided he would. He was very against the idea of it at first! ha

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