Friday, April 20, 2012


You know what needs to happen? I need to go to the store and buy formula. I need to clean our house from top to bottom. I need to get out of bed long enough to do aforementioned duties yet here I sit, talking to you fine folks, and baking cookies in the oven. I had great plans for today. None of my plans have come to fruition. I just feel so exhausted so when Baby K goes down for a nap, I'm not far behind him. I fear my husband is calculating how he can trade me in for a younger, hotter model who still cooks dinner pretty regularly.
It's really strange to me how my life shifted so quickly from "I need to be making money" to "I need to make it to nap time." I barely write anymore and it's never anything that I'm proud of and want to send off. Motivation has plummeted. The weird thing is: I don't really mind. I used to feel my worth was tied to what I did or didn't do that day. Now, it doesn't matter much if the kitchen isn't clean. It only makes a difference in which friends are allowed to come over that day! ;)
Instead, I've been relaxing in bed with good books and savoring my little family of three. Maybe it's lazy, but I prefer to refer to it as a realization- the house doesn't have to be perfect for my boys to be happy. I don't have to be working to be happy- Baby K gives me plenty of satisfaction watching him learn and grow every day. All of these little tasks that need to be done aren't measuring my worth. The world won't end if I leave the laundry for another day. For now, I'll just relax and enjoy this time before my husband heads back into the field for two more weeks. Then, then, I'll do some work.

Today's task? Enjoy it.

And try not to get out of PJs.



Jamie said...

Mmmm. Cookies.

Karen said...

Those cookies look DELICIOUS!! And I envy your day of pj's. :)

Unknown said...

Some days are better just doing what ya want! Or at least that is what I tell myself... The goal of not getting out of your PJ's?? I judge a successful day if I am in them when the kids come home from school. I think I took it too far or I am just that old when I got new ones for Christmas this year... :)

Jenn said...

You'll never remember "that day you got all the chores done" but you'll definitely remembering spending quality time with your boys. Your cookies look deeee-lish btw ;)

Chantal said...

Perfect post for me! You're describing my life right now!

Kace said...

Love new pjs! I get a new pair every year for Christmas, too- also new house shoes grace my feet that time of year. haha Priorities.

Kace said...

Oh, I cheated. They're the break-away square kind, but I figure- why mess with a good thing?

Kace said...

Glad I wasn't alone ;)

The New Normal said...

This is something that I've been trying to live lately too. Laundry, clean house, etc. - it can all wait. They kids are only little once. I love days like this, where you stay in comfy jammies all day, relax with a good book and enjoy. And of course, cookies! They look yummy!

Kace said...

Last Mother's Day, my mom got me a sign that reads "Good moms have dirty ovens, sticky floors, and happy kids!" :) You're right- they're only little for such a short amount of time- better cherish it! :)

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