Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Jesus is on the loose!

Easter Sunday came and went and I didn't post a single photo on here? I know you're just dying to know that we went to church and ate food like a lot of other Americans. I won't keep it from you any longer. We went to church AND we ate, folks. Riveting.

It was a good day, though. Full of worship, thankfulness, friends. After church we went over to a friend's house to eat. They had a lovely meal planned for us with the table set and everything! We felt right at home and were happy to spend Easter with Army family if we couldn't be with our own (I know, you're beginning to think that I don't really know her. I swear we hang out weekly- we just never document it. Bad little bloggers! I've known her in real life for well over a year now, yet I don't think a single photo exists of the two of us together).

Although, there were no Easter egg hunts (my fav!), there was tons of candy (also my fav.). And wouldn't you know it? Little man got a visit from the Easter bunny. He racked up!

I always miss my family on holidays, but I'm so grateful that technology allows me frequent glimpses into their worlds. I got several photos that day from my little nephews and niece and more from my Mom and her clan. Aren't they beauties?
I sure do miss them. I haven't seen them since Christmas so I'm really looking forward to getting to this weekend! I don't want to talk about that, though. I'm still uneasy about leaving my sweet boy.

Anyway, I'll bring my Easter post to a close with another awkward moment brought to you by Mrs. K:

As we were leaving church, a line formed as it usually does so that the church goers can shake hands with the pastor(s) and tell him what a good sermon it was. Well, you must know by now that I can say some pretty ridiculous things when caught off guard. I spoke with the main pastor first and told him happily, "Happy Easter!" What I didn't see was that his dad, a pastor before he retired, was standing close by. As I approached, he smiled at me, grabbed my hands, and enthusiastically said, "He is risen!"

What did I say?

"Thank you."


Not "He has risen indeed!" or "Hallelujah" or as my husband smoothly said, "Isn't that great news?" Nope...

"Hiya, Mr. Preacherman. I kindly thank you for the fact that Jesus Christ has risen."

I might as well have said that. That's what I probably sounded like. Oh well, at least Christians are understanding folks. I can think of a whole host of other things that could've come out that would have been a lot worse.

Next time I hope I shout back, "Jesus is on the loose! Glory be!"


Kristin said...

Haha. I say extremely weird/inappropriate things when caught off-guard too. I'm sure your answer wasn't the strangest one the pastors heard that day :)

Alana said...

This made me lol. I would so do the same thing!

The New Normal said...

Haha! That is so something I would say! I hate being caught off guard like that!

Amber Nicole said...

I just laughed out loud!

Jenn said...

Ahhhh! That's what I would have said! That or "fine." I'm always assuming that someone is either wishing me well or asking how I'm doing, so I flip between those two answers. Love that Jesus is on the loose though!!

Kace said...

That's probably true. I can only hope!

Kace said...

Saying something silly to someone (whoa, say that five times fast) is at least an every other day occurence in my world.

Kace said...

Glad I could provide some entertainment! ;)

Kace said...

"fine" LOL that would have been an awesome answer. Oh, next time. Another one I do sometimes that is really embarrassing is- saying Happy Birthday in response to someone telling ME happy birthday. Gah. It's awful.

Tiffany said...

Oh man, this post was funny until the last sentence and then it became HILARIOUS! "Jesus is on the loose!" haha! One thing that has me thinking "did I just say that?" is when I'm leaving a retail or grocery store and the cashier says, "Come back and see us!" and then I respond with "You too!" Haha! Then I leave faster then I would have hoping s/he didn't hear me! :)

Kace said...

haha! Oh yes, I do this, too. Just yesterday, the security woman at the airport said, "have a nice flight!" I responded, "you, too!" and then ran away. lol

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