Monday, April 16, 2012

Southern Nights

I ended up having an awesome trip back home to Tennessee. I was so nervous to leave my little one, but I was able to enjoy myself after I got there. How could I not? I've got some cool people in my life.

My time there was so short, but action-packed. When I arrived in Knoxville, I met my mom who was patiently waiting to scoop up her second born whom she hadn't seen since Christmas. We hopped in the car and headed toward my aunt's house for a yummy shrimp boil!

Friday was hysterical. I laughed so much that night my cheeks were hurting.
We couldn't take a family photo to save our lives. We tried about 58,972 times. This is the only one I have permission to post.

It was one of those nights that I question living far away from family. I must miss these things more often than not. It was not a big to do, but it was such a fun evening that I started thinking about what it would be like for Baby K to grow up with his cousins, grandparents, and great-grandparents in his life. I truly hope that gets to happen because he could learn a lot from my family. They're good people.

As night fell, we surrounded the bonfire and watched leftover fireworks from the fourth of July! It was a perfect night, really.
Even sweet Ky decided she'd share ice cream with her namesake.

The first night back home with family was a reminder of how incredibly blessed I am in life.
Thanks be to God.


The New Normal said...

Glad that you enjoyed your trip home! It sounds wonderful :)

Kace said...

Thanks! It really was :)

Unknown said...

so envious of your trip home! I need to take one soon. family is a beautiful part of life. xo

Kace said...

Yes, it is. Going "home" should be at least a three times a year occurence! I hope you get your turn soon.

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