Saturday, May 26, 2012

9 Months

Dear Baby K,
I hope you'll forgive me for such a belated letter on your monthly birthday. As you know, I haven't been feeling all that well. You've been great, though! On most days, you take timely naps, you're beginning to play by yourself more, and you've been trying to make my life a lot easier since you've now stepped up into a big brother role! Ya know, I had a lot of guilt when I found out that you'd be a big brother at just sixteen months old. I felt as if I'd stolen your baby time. But I know what we've really done is provide for you a best friend in the coming years. Your dad and I love you so much and you'll always be the sweet little boy who made us parents.

We are so proud of you. Every day it seems as if you're discovering something new. You continue to play with things like it's work. You move toys over and over again, studying the sound it makes and the way it feels in your hand. I love to watch you. You're a smart cookie and you're learning so quickly. Your "vocabulary" has extended to new babbling sounds that still don't make any sense to me, but they're cute as can be. You also enjoy mimicking your dad and me as we do silly dances or moves to entertain you. On a good day, you might wave goodbye to someone, but that is rare. Instead you stare at them intently.
We took you to the doctor for your well baby appointment and learned that you are finally starting to put on some weight! You're up to 17.4 lbs. Look at you go! That puts you in the 8th percentile for weight and they no longer think I'm starving you. This is good news! Boy, can you eat! You consume 34 oz of formula daily and eat copious amounts of solids and other snacks throughout the day. You come from a family of eaters, though so you'll fit right in.

Picture time is so much more fun these days. As you can see, your usual "prop" of paper with the date written on it was promptly crumbled in your playful little hands. You tried to take off your 9 Month sticker, too but I was able to get some shots before you did so. You are quite the mover and shaker! But, oh my! What a ham you are! Anytime I get out the camera, you giggle and smile right at the camera. I love it. It's possibly the reason I have ten thousand and counting photos of you on my phone. You are precious. Soon that smile will not be so gummy anymore. You have two teeth poking through on the bottom! 

You're growing so fast. I still enjoy the quiet moments at night, just before I put you to bed. You hold my hand as we read stories and pray. I'll cherish those chubby little wrists forever. I love you!



Chantal said...

Such a cutie!

J said...

He is just too adorable!! Happy 9 months, Baby K!!

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