Saturday, May 5, 2012

Worst Army Wife

I'm the worst Army wife ever. It's official. Every time Captain J leaves (which is often) I get a terrible homesick feeling and wonder why in the world I'm at Fort Polk, Louisiana. You would think after four years of living this life that I'd be used to it by now, but I'm not. I still feel empty when he leaves...alone. Despite having things to keep me busy and a community of Army wives who're in the same position I am, the feeling creeps in. I can't help it. I miss home. I miss my family. Last night in my hometown, they had a relay for life and my step-dad's band played there. Here's a fact you might not know about me- I actually genuinely like Bluegrass music. I grew up listening to it from my dad and my step-dad who both play a variety of instruments and have been in several bands over the years. When my mom posted a video of them playing, I felt that familiar tug to go back to East Tennessee. I wish I was there right now.

Like them on facebook here.
P.S. That's my step-dad singing and playing the tall bass.

Happy Weekend to you!


Mama M. said...

Your step-dad looks so young!!!! Very talented group of people!
Reading this makes me, once again, incredibly grateful for our military personell and their families. I know it doesn't make your homesickness any better, but THANK YOU and your husband, for your sacrifices for us.
Hugs to you, sweet girl.

JG said...

I know exactly how you feel. It's nice to travel and make new friends, and I'm glad my husband loves his job, but I feel like the oddball because every. single. day. I'd rather be settling down back home. Nice to know I'm not the only one! :)

Jenn said...

Aw, that doesn't make you a bad Army wife! It gets LONELY when the guys aren't home and it's only natural to want to go see family. Hugs to you girl!

Karen said...

You are NOT a bad army wife. You're a normal one. I don't know any of my girlfriends who wouldn't rather be closer to their families. You are an AWESOME army wife because you love and support your hubby, even when it's tough on you. Hugs to you!

Kristin said...

Um no. Read my blog. I'm the worst army wife ever. It's okay to miss home. I miss it everyday. We're all in the same boat!

Janet said...

Hey Mrs K, I still love how candid you are with your writing, so that everyone can know that their feelings are normal. I so get how you feel, overseas from family when my babies were born - still am ;-) but they are a lot older now and it gets better over time. Really hard when babies are little. And I'll bet you miss hubby too. So glad you've got support through your blog.
Wanted to say I got your letter, you say it's rare to get thanked and there you go - yours is the first handwritten letter to me in - well I can't remember when! So you're welcome and thank you right back, such a great surprise!
Take care, Janet

The 4M Project said...

I know the feeling...but, you know you're a great wife to Captain J.

On another note, that song is awesome!


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