Yesterday, I gushed all about what being a mother was to me. In honor of today- National Milspouse Appreciation Day, I thought I'd talk about another facet of my life- the part that shaped this blog and my need to write and share. I enjoy being the spouse of a U.S. Army Soldier, a veteran who makes me proud only on days that end in with y.
It's not a life I pictured, that's for sure. But when a tall, handsome, shiny new officer made his way into my life- suddenly it was all hopelessly romantic. I had those images of women in perfect vintage garb swooped up in a passionate kiss from their man in uniform in a delightful sepia tone picture in my mind. The war was over, people were celebrating, and lovers were re-united. It was all a beautiful thought until I realized our modern-day war isn't over. I'd be lucky if he came back to me.
It used to make me very uncomfortable when people would say that I "serve, too". While yes, I was fully aware what I was getting myself into, it wasn't me who was waking up at 0500 for PT. I wouldn't be taking months and years out of my life to spend it in third world country warzones. I never swore to put my life on the line for the needs of the Army, the country, or anything for that matter. I don't serve.
But as I got more immersed into the culture of the silent ranks, I realized there are many sacrifices on our end, too. The hardest for me is being without my family.
Captain J and I don't plan on living this lifestyle through until his retirement, but I have the utmost respect for those who do. The sacrifice the service person makes is highly admirable, but the sacrifices of the spouses are worthy of mention, too. Holding down the homefront is a tough job and I have been honored to meet so many women who step up to the plate time and time again.
It has been my pleasure to meet and become friends with so many military spouses over the years. I have learned so much from each and every one of you. I love that the Army brings people together despite rank, race, and religion and offers so many opportunites to broaden friendships. So here's to you, Milspouses! You are very much appreciated, too. The past four years (and counting) wouldn't have been possible for me without your influence and empathy.
Mrs. K
Linking up with other fellow military spouses today at:
I cannot even tell you how much I love your wedding picture! So pretty! Happy Milspouse Day!!!
Happy Milspouse Day to you too!!
Happy MilSpouse Day!
Hi Mrs. K!
I'm visiting from the MilSpouse Blog Hop! Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day to you!
Like you, I didn't get it when people would thank me for my service for a very long time.. It wasn't until I was nearing the end of my husband's deployment that I finally started to understand exactly why people were thanking me. We make sacrifices every single day for our soldiers and I do think that it is fitting that we have a day that is just for us!
It is very nice to meet you!
Happy MilSpouse day!
Happy MilSpouse Appreciation Day :)
Here from the blog hop! Such a gorgeous picture! :)
Happy MilSpouse Appreciation Day! Your wedding picture is beautiful!
It's nice to meet you and your lovely family! You mentioned your sewing machine in a comment on my blog ( I'd love to help you with your sewing! It's not as hard as it looks, so feel free to contact me with any questions.
This life certainly is full of challenges and sacrifices that are unique to living with the military. Happy Milspouse Appreciation day!
Cheers from Alaska!
Happy (belated) Military Spouse Appreciation Day, and Happy (early) Mother's Day :-)
Happy late military spouse appreciation day to you and I hope you have a fabulous Mother's day weekend! :)
Hope you had a great MilSpouse Appreciation Day! Nice to meet you :)
I've felt a little strange when people have thanked me for my service for the same reasons you mentioned. I think the term sacrifice is more fitting but then I guess that would probably sound more negative for people to say thanks for (and even then I might feel odd because I feel I'm gaining so much more than I'm giving up).
Your wedding picture is amazing. I also get uncomfortable when I am thanked for service. And I don't even get me started on wives who have stickers/shirts/etc...that say "Army Wife...Toughest Job in the Army." Ugh.
Hi! I am a little late from the BlogHop. I love your wedding picture! It was nice to meet you! Happy belated military spouse appreciation day! Amanda
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