Monday, February 18, 2013

No Paci For Cray K

My sweet little Cray K turned 18 months recently. I can't believe how fast it has all flown. One day he was screaming his precious little head off with colic, the next he was screaming his precious little head off in a toddler tantrum. He isn't all cray cray, though. He's unbelievably sweet as well. He loves his big brother role and rushes to his side anytime Baby A starts to cry. My heart melts at the sweet way he tries to give his brother his paci. He ends up stuffing it in A's eye, nose, and cheeks but it's the thought that counts.
Speaking of pacis...
We took Cray K to the doctor the other day and she casually asked if we still gave him a paci. She was slightly appalled when we answered in the affirmative and she said in her cute Indian accent (my fav!), "You should get rid of that immediately!" I said, "Cold turkey?" She replied, "Absolutely." Then I started going into convulsions just thinking about a trip to the grocery store without one.
But to be honest, we were already limiting his paci usage. He no longer got it while we were at home except for sleepy times. The car, the crib, and out in town? We were all- "Plug the hole!" So the task of getting rid of his paci seemed very daunting.
That night, we couldn't find the paci for bedtime so we just didn't give it to him and he slept all night! 
My friends, we are working on Day Five of No Paci For Cray K and I'm happy to report it has been all business as usual here. I'm so pleased! Not a lot with my eldest boy has been easy and I'm shocked that this seems to be thus far. There's no going back now. My boy isn't a baby anymore.
He has started to talk a little and sign more often. That is such a relief. I see other blogs and facebook posts about how their child is saying this (and this and this!) and it really bothered me for awhile. Now, I'm aware just how different each child can be. Sometimes it just takes time. There's no use in worrying, anyway.

K has added "up" to his repertoire. I love the sweet way he says it. He sounds like Scooby Doo. Other words include: yes, hi guys, mama, dada, uh-oh, and more. He signs milk, all done, more, and no very well. I started to type out an "attempted words" list, but I just don't want to be that blogger today. You're welcome.
The bottom line is, I love this little one more and more every day. Waking up to his happy chatter in the morning makes me realize just how blessed I am. God has given me the world when he brought K and A into mine.

Happy 18 Months to the boy who made me a mother!


Jen said...

I'm so glad that it has been an easy transition to now paci. :) He is so adorable.

Jenny @ Creatively Blooming said...

So glad that getting rid of the paci was easy for you guys! And I just love that he says "hi guys"! So cute!

Kathryn B said...

Awe glad that went easy for you!!!! It's amazing how fast they grow up!!!

Anonymous said...

He's such a little cutie! My stepmom taught my sister sign language too. I couldn't believe how well she could communicate before she could speak.

Chantal said...

Happy 18 Months!

Kate @ Daffodils said...

Congrats! I am terrified to take B's away but have been considering cold turkey too. It is good to hear a success story.

Jenn said...

Yay Cray K! Sam's paci withdrawal went the same way- one day he came downstairs with it in his mouth so I asked him for it. He handed it to me and then I shoved it in a drawer. Never asked for it again. (Or at least, I never UNDERSTOOD that that is what he was asking for... "esfisbcvlsdjnfseijfrqmcldjn!!" doesn't sound like "Can I have my pacifier please, dear Mother?" so I assumed he was just cranky.) Some solid parenting right there. ;)

Karen said...

I am so scared to get rid of Nora's!! She only gets it at night and at naptime now but the thought of cold turkey scares the poo out of me lol. Nora also doesn't talk very much, and I love that we taught her to sign because it makes communication so much easier!

Unknown said...

My daughter is 18 months and has only gotten her paci at bedtime for the past year but I am SCARED to death to take it away from her! We're going tomorrow for her 18 mon appt so we'll see what the doc says... yikes. I don't think she will be as easy. She looks forward to her paci every night and at bedtime and can't wait to get into her bed to get it. She says paci and night-night the whole way upstairs to her room and her paci is the first thing she finds in the bed...

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