Tuesday, April 23, 2013


There's simply no time for this little blog anymore. I wake up, grab some coffee, and the bible and read it with my husband until he leaves for work. Before I know it, the babes are up and at 'em and my day flies by with diapers, sippy cups, and very little sanity. If the boys happen to nap at the same time (which is rare), I am exercising or working on my graduate degree. By the time J walks through the door from work, I've got my running shoes on and I'm ready to go because I'm addicted. The high I get from running now is the best. It feels so good to be back at it and pushing my body (and mind) in ways that I haven't since 2008! I'm slowly but surely getting back into running. It's my me time and I really don't want to spend it any other way.

I'm surely driving my IG followers nuts with #mrskgetsfit posts, but I can't care. I sign in to see the progress so many people are making in their own lives and it inspires me to do the same. Since I've started documenting my workouts more, I've received so many messages telling me that I encourage them on their weight loss/fitness journey. I'll keep on posting for them...and for me.
My diet (and I use that term very loosely) has not been going well. I can easily clean up my diet throughout the week, but when the weekend rolls around, I completely derail everything I did throughout the week. This past weekend, J's parents arrived with cookies, biscotti, and pie and all bets were off. I just can't give up sweets.

I'm down to:

Weight: 125

and feeling pretty good about it. I would still like to lose about five more lbs. I'm not dwelling on the number, though. The goal is to feel good in my own skin.

Speaking of the weekend, we had a great one! I'll try to get around to telling you all about it sometime soon. These next two weeks will be crazy busy as I finish up two huge projects for the class I'm in, but I'll come back and share when time permits. Thanks to all who check in here with us! We're doin' good.

P.S. I found my favorite place to run-


Sharing here:


Amber Nicole said...

Man if I lived near that it might motivate me to run!
Probably not. I'd probably take my coffee down there though ;)

And GO YOU!!! Seriously, go you!!

Unknown said...

Oh, I love running on the beach. I'm **so** happy for you! You are looking fabulous these days. I mean, you're a beautiful woman, but when you feel good about yourself, it shows. What you said about motivating other people is so true. That is why I became a Beachbody coach. It not only makes you happy to see others succeed, but has a tendency to turn the tables and make you want to do even better. The best part is that you aspire to not only look good, but be healthy. You are doing something for you, your children, and your husband. I mean, let's face it, when you like sweets, you don't turn them down...that just makes me binge on them later. Just reading the word "pie" made me happy. :) Anyhow, I'm proud of you!!! Keep up the fabulous work, and getting "me" time. You deserve it!! <3 Blessings, Kristine

Unknown said...
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Jessica @ Better Together and Forever said...

You look awesome!!! Way to be! I am trying to get in the habit of the gym every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but sometimes life gets in the way. Keep up the success. PS, just realized you have an instagram and found you this morning. Now I can catch up with you more. : )

Elizabeth @ Cheers, Elizabeth said...

YES! Post, post, post! I get so many messages that I am encouraging others by my journey and I wouldn't have it any other way! I love that it holds me accountable knowing people are relying on me for motivation. Maybe it's all in my head and they're not sitting around waiting to see what I'm doing next, but I like to think they'll be disappointed if they don't see it!

AWESOME work- keep rocking it!

Jen said...

You are doing great and you look awesome!! :)

Anonymous said...

You're awesome! I wish I could love running, maybe after baby I'll start off slow and try. You look great!

Jenn said...

Girl, you look FABulous. I'm so glad you feel the same way!! I get all itchy waiting to go run (seriously, this nap schedule maintains my sanity AND cramps my style, all at the same time) but I love that feeling after doing it. Maybe when you have more free time (AHAHAHAHAHA) you could post Mrs. K's motivating playlist? I'm always looking for some new tunes to run to. ;)

Angi said...

Well you're certainly inspiring me!! If you can do it with that busy of a life + kids, I can certainly do it with my boring as heck life and no kids. ;)

Chantal said...

You sound so positive and happy! Love it :)

Jenn said...

I love your fitness posts! It is making me want to go out and run! I can't wait until I am cleared for exercise again! As far as the "diet" goes, I found what helped me out the most was prepping a healthy lunch like salads, veggie sticks, or fruit. By me making the effort to eat at least one healthy meal on a day I know will there will be sweets or greasy food made me feel a bit better. I also never denied myself anything. Instead I would try to modify the amount I ate of them. A small piece of pie and few cookies never killed anyone.

Jamie said...

You're doing great!

Unknown said...

I love running at the beach and if I lived near the ocean, I'm certain I would run more!
Lulu and Daisy

Nina said...

Running is so awesome, isn't it!? I got this crazy cold over the weekend, and am still coughing my lungs out yet my legs are itching to head out for a run. Hopefully tomorrow I feel ok and don't sound like a dying elephant when coughing and blowing my nose... even just a couple of miles would be great.

Angie said...

Keep up the good work. Your one busy lady and need that "me" time!
If I could run on the beach, I think I'd do it way more often!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like life is really good! I'm happy for you!

JG said...

You look fantastic! keep up the good work!

Merchon said...

That is awesome. I have recently found my runners high too! Such an amazing feeling.


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