Monday, April 29, 2013

Florida Livin'

I guess I'm a blog-once-a-week kind of blogger these days. I mean to write more, but you know the story--I'm busy. Tonight, though, I'm throwing caution to the wind and diving into my personal stories rather than churning out some more pages for my research paper due this week. I do need some me time, ya know? Lately, my me time was coming from working out but I suppose I'm taking today off. I planned on getting my burn on tonight, but ice cream sounds better. It's definitely a Monday.

Life has been rolling right along here in our house. There are ups and there are downs, but I'm trying to keep my head up, above the water so I can remember these days when my children are grown. Everyone tells me the baby years are a blur to them now and so I'm trying to hold on to these two cuties I've been blessed with while I can.

Still, I live for the weekends when I can catch a break and have Daddy home to help with the wrangling. The past two have been good ones...

One consisted of a date night that very possibly is one of my favorite nights ever. Captain J's parents were in town and offered to watch the little ones while we gallivanted off to dinner. We couldn't resist Ruth Chris Steakhouse even though I'm sure there are so many unique restaurants we could have chosen instead. This decision was not regretted. We ordered ahi tuna for an appetizer and then steak, of course, for our main meals. If you haven't gone there, you're missing out. I drank wine, flirted with my husband, and had conversations that weren't centered around two small children. It was divine! We then purchased some vino at the liquor store, along with two tumblers and headed toward the beach to enjoy them. We cheersed to our new life in Florida and ended up kissing on the beach like a brand new, crazy in love couple.
It was perfection.

The lingering memory of this date seemed completely absurd a week later as I made my way to Orlando to meet my husband who was there on business. Our plan was to hang out in the city for a day and then head to Sarasota for the remainder of the weekend. As I was saying, I could barely recall this warm lovely feeling the date left with me when I set off with both kids in tow, wailing all along the way. I was so stressed to hear my poor almost five month old screaming his precious little head off for most of the 2.5 hour trip.

Yes, the weekend did not start well, but like any vacation, there were some high points. I'll just let the photos speak for themselves.

What can I say? God has been good to me. I have a beautiful, sweet, crazy family. He has provided for us in so many ways. He has given us good health and I'm finally starting to grab hold of that lifestyle again. I'm feeling good about myself. I mean, I worked out on vacation. Who am I?!

And as you can see in my fitness selfie, I ventured out in a two piece and no one ran screaming. In fact, someone told Captain J that it was hard to believe I was only four months postpartum. She said, "Woo! Mama looks good doesn't she, Daddy?" Who can have a bad week after that?

(Want to follow along with me on my fitness journey? Check me out on Instagram- profile name is KSJD22. I post a lot of my workouts there and you can search through various hashtags I've mentioned on this blog such as #WallSitMonth and #PlankChallenge. )


Jen said...

Sounds like a wonderful date night! Ok seriously how have you had 2 kids?! You look great!

Jenn said...

Seriously, quit making me look bad. You look like you've never been pregnant.

Date night sounded like so much fun. Vacation... well, "vacation". Is it ever truly a vacation when you're a mom? (Hell no.) But it looks like a beautiful time with your beautiful family and you are just beaming you're so happy. :)

PS. That family picture is worth framing. I LOVE IT!

Angie said...

You look awesome! That is the motivation I need to start working out.

Kristin said...

Your 4-months-post-partum looks like me right now. You're putting us never-be-pregnant girls to shame!

What a great date night!

Kristin said...


Guess it's been a long day.

Niken said...

that sounds like a great date night and weekend getaway. i so want to have some relax time too. haha.

Chantal said...

You look awesome!!

I can imagine that drive was stressful... I've been on many a car ride with a screaming child. Hate it!

Anonymous said...

That date night sounds amazing! And you seriously look really really good in that two piece! I would never guess you had kids!

Anonymous said...

You look great!

Kathryn B said...

That sounds like a great date night! We spend a lot of time in Orlando (husband's unit is there) and we live in Sarasota County. Next time you're down this way, let me know and we can meet up!
Great job on the working out. And yes you always need some you time :)If mama ain't happy, no one is happy :)

Merchon said...

You look amazing for being 4 months! All your hard work paying off :)

Ms. Nix said...

Dang girl! Sexaaaaaay! You totally didn't have 2 babies in under 3 years. Lol.
Great family picture. You're all so gorgeous. :)

Paige said...

I just added you to my it because uhm hello you are totally inspiring!! I have recently started trying to tone up more and would love to follow your journey!!

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