Thursday, October 14, 2010


The sun is slowly highlighting the hills behind my cabin as the immediate area around it lays quietly in the shade. Further out, where the light shines, houses look warm and cozy. Outside my house, there are layers and layers of snow covering the dirt road that leads to my driveway. The blue sky reaches out to both areas. This is my 9 o'clock.

Contemplation. What is it?

The word stems from the Latin root word- templum- meaning to cut or divide. The Greek translation is "theory". To me, it simply means to focus my thoughts deeply and solely on some topic or idea. I pride myself on being the type of person that won't try to force conversation. Some people may think I'm socially awkward because of it, but I don't mind. I like to think before I talk about anything important. Always have.

Contemplation can extend to all areas of my life. I mean, I do have copious amounts of time to just sit around and ponder. Perhaps that's how I get myself in trouble. Maybe I should just turn on the t.v. and zone out, engrossed in some ridiculous reality t.v.

Here is a thought I've entertained lately:

"Our time in Alaska is drawing near. Have I enjoyed it to its extent?"

I'm unsure if you can ever enjoy something too much. I think not. But can one enjoy something just the right amount? It's difficult to say. Sure, there have been times where I've longed to be around friends who I could simply call up, invite myself over, eat out of their fridge, and drink their wine. I have missed my family so much that it hurt. I missed the southern charm of Tennessee and the hospitality, accent, and overall feeling of "home" that the area brings me. But have I enjoyed Alaska? You bet your bottom dollar I have! Captain J really forced me out of my comfortable bubble and brought me to the land of the Last Frontier to which I will always be grateful. When I was younger, I always wanted to travel. I never imagined I would end up living on the other side of the country. I never saw myself hiking on glaciers, either. I didn't think I would ever feel the need to caribou hunt. I never thought I'd hop in a car on a whim and decide to drive to the next substantial town over - 6 HOURS AWAY! All the memories and unique experiences we've gained here together have been amazing. Yeah, we're broke now, but in the end, who cares? I'd much rather have a full life with lots of memories to reflect on than a bank account that's full and this country's growing obsession for "stuff" all around me. Maybe you're wondering why I'm thinking about all this? I got a call from my dear sweet hubby yesterday saying that we would be farewelled tonight. For those of you non-military people, allow me to explain. The officers have a party every month or two to welcome the new people coming in and to say goodbye to those who are PCSing on to another post. This little gem of a party is called a "Hail and Farewell" (please ignore my slight exaggeration on the third word in that sentence). I'm happy to move on, but I also know how much I'm going to miss these mornings of peering out my window as I type and recognizing the true beauty of this state just right out in my back yard. I never thought I'd live here. I never thought I would enjoy living here. I never thought I would meet so many people who I just really do not want to leave. There are a handful of girls who I just feel like I'm not going to get to see again and that makes me sad. It's another reality that the military offers, though. I guess it's goodbye again...only this time I'm not saying audios to my other half, I'm forced to say it to the good friends I've met along this part of our journey. I do hope we'll meet again, though.


Hilary said...

Hopefully you'll see them all again :)) Have fun at the farewell!!

Brie said...

I hope you loved every minute of Alaska, what an opportunity! It is a sad part of mil-life. I -really- miss my best friend from our last pcs, but we've stayed so close! Hopefully you will too!

Sarah said...


B. said...

Ohh! As a military brat, I totally sympathize with you! That lifestyle is always bittersweet. You miss your home but you learn to love your new location just as much - then you're moving again. Lots of emotions.

Glad that you had the opportunity to enjoy Alaska, though! And I'm sure you will be happy in your next station!

* Best wishes *

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