Monday, October 18, 2010

Military Mondays- PCS help

Hey Civilian families...come closer! I've got to tell you a little secret. You've got to keep it on the downlow, though alright? Are you ready for it......

The Army takes forever in getting things done. Whew! There, I said it. I feel better.

Before I delve into that topic, let me tell you about Military Mondays! I want to help Candace over at Army Wives Lives out because she has this awesome blog hop every week where bloggers can come and enter a recent post about military life. I used to participate quite a bit and then I fell off. I'm back now and I'm hoping you will enter your link, too.

And now back for the regularly scheduled programming...

The Army still hasn't issued us orders to PCS. I've never experienced a move with the military. This was Captain J's first duty station so I just met him up here with some of my stuff. I'm really tired of moving already, but if there's a move looming in my future, I'd like to get the ball rolling if you know what I mean. Unfortunately, we still have no clue when we'll be driving out.

We decided to do a partial DITY move, which means that the Army will move some of our belongings and we will be driving the rest down with us. I suppose I should say that he decided this. He's in love with the idea of driving across America. While I do agree this could be an amazing adventure, I also fantasize about hopping on a plane and just having the Army pack, move, and deliver all of our things. I think I'd be elated to drive around our beautiful country with my love if we didn't have two dogs that are probably going to be pretty unhappy in a crate for most of the drive. Oh, well.

Okay all you pros who have been doing this forever...How belated should I expect his orders to be? Should I start packing or should I let the Army do it for us when the time comes? Do you have any other advice regarding PCSing? I'm like a sponge and I'll soak it all in ;)


kimbodarlin said...

Yes...Army!! Do tell...when are they coming HOME????

Kasi said...

Kacy - we leave Alaska in less than a month. We got his orders for what duty station we will be going to a couple months ago but we still do not have the actually order papers in hand, so as you know.. nothing is final until this happens... eek! Takes forever. We are moving ALL of our stuff (minus one car) to Texas. Pregnant gal driving cross country.. sounds like having 2 dogs & driving cross country ;)

Carolina North said...

It seemed like B had his orders at least a month out...but I'm pretty sure he had them earlier than that. Sorry I'm not much help, but might I just say that I am extremely excited that you'll be in the South soon!

VjayC said...

I'm no ultra experienced with posing because I had to meet my hubby here but I had the experience of unpacking his stuff after the army quickly packed it for them. I would say to pack as much as you can yourself and let the army handle packing the bigger things like the bed and the furniture etc. I found alot of useless things packed like empty jars wrapped in tons of paper and in a box. I wound up recycling a bunch of stuff. Not only that but If you start now it will give you a chance to sort through stuff so you don't have to hall it to yor next location and have it wind up not getting used anyways. By all. Means let them ship it to your new location but I would prepare what I could before they come. When they do come they will work quickly. Seeing as how the army is what it is and it will do what I wants those orders might come when you least expect it.


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