Monday, October 25, 2010

My Only Flaw

I'm sitting here listening to some praise and worship music on Pandora, trying to block out the barking symphony my dogs have created with the neighborhood dogs outside. I refuse to bring them in if they're barking at nothing aside from boredom so in go the ear phones and out with the stress those furry friends of mine bring. I can't wait to get to some warmer weather so that every time I take them on a walk, I don't have to get walked in the process...they always seem to pull me along the ice instead of the other way around. Enough about them. Let's talk about me...

It is my blog after all. The other day, Mama M. suggested I give proof of my freakishly tall toe. I decided I've already told you about it so I don't have much to hide now, but please don't be alarmed. I swear I don't have fingers for toes--it just might look that way to you. Are you ready for this?

There it is. There you have it- my only flaw. Ha! I kid, I kid. And now for something else weird-

Need a cheap costume? Be Cindy Lou Who! I am. Captain J and I are trying to save money this year so I didn't have the time or the moolah to spend on various parts of the costume idea I coveted. I'll save that for next year! ;) Instead, I got a styrofoam cone, floral wire, and a pretty pink bow and called it a day. I already had some pjs that were pink so I threw those on and fixed my hair around the props I bought. I'm sure I'll put much more effort into this costume on Halloween, but this is the trial run photo (I just re-read that and realized how dorky I am).

Moving on...

I've been searching for housing at our new duty station and I'm getting excited. I regret that I'll be leaving all the friends I've made here, but I look forward to being within driving distance of my old ones! I am elated that I'll be able to actually decorate for Christmas this year instead of only breaking out the charlie brown tree of last year. When I was in college, my condo had three large trees and two small ones so to say that I miss decorating is a bit of an understatement.

We don't have many must haves on our list for our new home aside from a fenced in yard. We really need that! Otherwise, we're pretty open. On one hand, it's exciting to be able to start over. On the other, it makes me feel all icky thinking of all the stuff that has to be done. I'll keep you posted on these developments, but I can tell you that our orders have arrived and we'll be saying goodbye to Alaska in less than a month. Goodbye Alaska, Hello Georgia. Am I ready for that? I know our poor Alaskan huskies won't know what hit em...



Mama M. said...

Okay, Cindy Lou...(how adorable is THAT costume?!!), you DO have a freakishly long second toe! If I look hard enough, and tilt my head this way and that way, I even think that your 3rd toe is bigger!!! Certainly, you must be a genius, with that bad boy!

You are an awesome sport!!

carolina crews said...

I use to live in Ga, heck I was born there. you will love living there, if you haven't lived there already. I am excited for your move! I love your costume!

Tiffany said...

Hey... I have those pjs!! Ah Marcia and her traditions :) I bet you're super excited aboout moving closer to home :) p.s love the Halloween costume :)

carolina north said...

You really do miss Izzy! LOL!

Laura Weigle said...

Kacy, My second toe is longer as well. I believe it's a sign of great intelligence ! Uh oh what are our babies going to look like???? Ha! Ha! Just spoofing ya! Love your costume. Mine is comming together nicely.... Plus size mermaid!!!! David has decided to go as Jack Sparrow. We will hand cuff ourselves together. This is going to be fun! At least he won't be able to dance with any other girls that night ( of course unless I come along) I love Halloween!!

brittnie said...

we are toe twins! i have freakishly long toes and my second one is long like that too. alas my match.

Halloween Crafts and Costume Ideas « Mrs. K and Captain J said...

[...] need is some wire, longish hair, a ribbon, a foam cylinder or triangle, and some cute PJ’s (Post here).This was awfully cute and precious, but I decided not to be Cindy Lou Who after this. I was [...]

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