Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A snow report (with too many adjectives)

When I was at home last month, my bestie, Miranda, told me that it almost angered her when she came home, pulled up Safari, and typed in and there was nothing new for her to read. It is because of this funny conversation that I'm writing to you right now. I don't have much to say, but maybe some semblance of a post will come about as I type. You're welcome, Miranda.

I find that those of you in the lower 48 are somewhat intrigued by the light/dark times, temperatures, snow fall, aurora forcecast, and all that jazz so I suppose I'll catch you up on what is going on around me. Fairbanks has had snow on and off for a couple weeks now, but I think it is finally here to stay. Just outside our casa, is more snow than I ever saw in all the winters combined in Tennessee. Ok, perhaps that's a lie- I'll never forget the time I fell into a lake during the Blizzard of 93! That's a post for another day, though. Back on track, my house looks like this...

Ahh, peaceful pretty white snow.

Oh, how I've missed you.

Mostly because my dogs can run and play in it and still come inside with clean looking coats.

I've probably mentioned this quirky little fact before, but the sun really never comes "up" in the winter here. For those of you who are here but haven't experienced an Alaska winter, I don't mean to scare's actually kind of cool. The sun will rise a bit for a couple of hours, but it's as if it never gets all the way up in the sky. It peaks it's brilliant colors and light up for awhile and then it's pulled back down.

The darkness will be setting in soon. I hope it doesn't bring me down too much. Last year, I just slept a lot and it was glorious. We were living in town at the time (remember that awful place?) so I was close to Nicole. I slept a lot-- then when I woke up I went to her house to do nothing at all. Talk. Laugh. Oh, the good ole days!

Yesterday, the sun reared it's lovely head at 8:37am and set again at 6:35pm. The light report says that today will be 6 minutes and 42 seconds shorter. We're losing light pretty fast now.

It's not too cold yet. The temps range from the teens to the thirties so going outside is still pretty bearable. I might be biased, though since I jumped into winter via the Arctic Circle. Maybe I have acclamated already.

Lastly (and least(ly)?), I don't keep up with the aurora forecast. I suppose I could look it up for you, but you must be bored if you're reading this so go google it yourself! I kid, I kid. I just don't look at that forecast because I can simply look outside to see if the Northern Lights are out. They are harder to see in Fairbanks because of all the light pollution from the city, but we live far enough out that we can occasionally catch glimpses of their beauty!

Over and out.


Mel said...

I've never experienced an Alaska winter, but I have experienced a couple weeks of Alaskan summer. I had an aunt & uncle that lived out there and I visited them one summer in high school. I remember when the sun never went down. We had to wait until 4AM to shoot off fireworks on the Fourth of July. But I remember that the adjustment didn't seem so bad. I never felt like I was up all the time, but that's probably b/c they have good methods for shutting out the light when it's time to sleep. I suppose you can't "make" as much light during the winter months.

sespi said...

Ahh, I'm so jealous! We're still in the 80s and 90s in Georgia. I would *love* to live in Alaska, and I'd kill for some snow right now!

Miranda said...

Yes, mam! It sure does anger me. Clickin' my bookmark "Mrs. K and Captain J" is part of my unwinding from a long day at school or in clinicals! I love reading and watching the vlogs. The vlog that J did is officially one of my favorites....I couldn't stop laughing at you and your mad face and then to top it all off it ended quietly with "Hope I don't DIE." haha love you sweet Kace!

Miranda said...

Oh and thank you! I had a long day at a nursing call center, sounds thrilling right?

Mrs. K said...

I'm going to enjoy it while I can. We're headed to GA next month!

Mrs. K said...

I was a little disappointed on July 4th, too b/c we couldn't see the fireworks at all. Oh, well...Alaska is such a cool experience that those little things don't matter much in the scheme of things, do they?

Mrs. K said...

haha I was such a beast in that video. I miss you and love you a whole lot. Hopefully I'll be seeing you soon, though. J and I are getting "farewelled" tomorrow night so we should be out of here by next month.

Miranda said...

Farewelled!!! means HELLLOOO for me! Yay!

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