Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pregnant With Laughter: Part 9

It's Wednesday, the day after Tuesday. Know what that means?

It's time for Pregnant With Laughter! No link up this time since no one is interested, but you're welcome to leave your stories in the comment section if you'd like.

Yesterday was bad. It's still only in the stage of kinda funny. It's still hard to laugh at myself today because I remember how distraught I felt less than 24 hours ago.

It was just one thing after the other. J came home complaining that the house stinks, which I took personally because I am the one who had been at home cleaning all day. How could it be stinky?!

Then, I reluctantly told him that I had accidently over paid our rent by $100 dollars and he began acting like the world was about to end. I tried to calmy explain that I'm sure the realty company could just put it towards next month and it wasn't a big deal, but then he used the word "unorthodox" and I just flipped my lid.

Everything felt like a personal attack to me- like I couldn't do anything right and I wasn't allowed any mistakes.

(I know how ridiculous this all sounds. Poor hubby didn't see how I was wrongly interpreting all of this.)

Annoyed, I decided to head to my happy place- Hobby Lobby.

I hopped in the car with visions of crafting on my mind and set off. Over the next few moments, I must have had an out of body experience. When I came to, I realized I had no idea where I was. I remembered seeing all the familiar surroundings, but I couldn't seem to figure out how each of them could lead me to Hobby Lobby.

Where am I?

How do I get there?


These were just a few things going through my mind as tears streamed down my face and I made my way back to the only place I knew confidently how to get to- home.

Empty handed.

Crazy pregnant girl emotions. Insane logic. Heartburn. Back pain. Yep, must be 25 weeks:


kimmie said...

I love that your answer to over paying your rent was to go to Hobby Lobby and spend money. Too funny. We have a Hobby Lobby here and I can drive you right to it, if you like. Love ya'...see ya' soon. Mom

MamaP said...

Kace, If I knew how to post stories somewhere other than in the comment section then I would have definitely taken you up on that.
I am sure you have already heard but I will share with your readers a story about my youngest. I woke up Sunday morning to my 2yr old daughter drawing hearts on my kitchen floor. She wasn't drawing with crayons or markers (she is way too creative for that) She had very carefully opened every stick of butter I had in my refridgerator!!! 8 sticks of butter, 8!!! Good grief! So then later that night while she was suppose to be in her bed, she pushed her story chair over to her dresser and individually pulled out ALL of her wet wipes and put them in a pile. Then she got her lotion out of the drawer and decided all of the wet wipes needed a topping. Thats right, she took her lotion and emptied the entire bottle onto her bedroom floor!!! Errrr! When does this stage end!?!

One Mississippi « Mrs. K and Captain J said...

[...] Pregnant With Laughter is on hiatus today. I figure you’re all babied out for now due to my last [...]

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