Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Travelin' Thru GA, Ramblin' Across the Land

Today has been a good day. I'm slightly overwhelmed with school work and trying to prepare for the upcoming PCS, but I just knew churning out a few words on my blog would temporarily fix my ailments. Besides, I know you're all just dying to know why and how I went camping in Georgia in May.

I was supposed to head "home" last weekend, but Doc said 'no way Jose' in different words so we made plans to spend some time outdoors with my dear ole dad. His bluegrass band was attending a festival in Cochran, Georgia, not too far from our house. After relaxing for a while on Friday afternoon, we packed up the car and headed that way with plans to sleep under the stars.

We waited until evening, though because this pregnant gal gets incredibly hot.

Temperatures for the weekend were lower-to mid nineties.

Thee above do not mix.

Still, we had a good time. I enjoyed falling asleep in the back of the truck (on an air mattress, of course) while listening to the sounds of my childhood. Growing up, Dad was constantly taking us to festivals to hear him (and many others) play. The notes, the instruments, the voices,  the old songs I knew so well lulled me off to sleep that night. And you know what?

I slept pretty great! The mosquitos were a real downer, though. I'm covered in bug bites now that aren't so attractive and quite itchy. I will not complain, though because I remember the insane swarms of mosquitos that plagued Alaska in the summer months. Those were, by far, the worst I've ever seen.

It felt good to get back outside. I have missed camping while being preggo. It's not for the faint of heart, though-- Be sure to take lots of water. Also, you'll want to bring along some of your favorite men to hang with. I enjoyed visiting with Dad and spending quality time with the Cap'n. I just don't do it enough.

Dad in Do-Rag

"Willie Bob's"- Only in the South

Roughin' It- Kinda.


Kristine said...

What an adventure you've been on...I'm glad you had a refreshing time! :)Keep making wonderful stories for Little K. :)

Sarah Nicole said...

Glad you got to spend time with your two favorite men! I haven't been camping in a long time, this makes me want to go.

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