Meanwhile, the hubby and I are getting geared up to move to Louisiana in less than a month. As you probably know, the Army has some good perks, one of which will be to pack up all of our belongings and move them to our next home. I'm glad that responsibility is taken care of for us. We've done some searching for housing in the area and there are really some slim pickin's. We created a list, but it's quite short. I think we'll end up deciding once we arrive in the area. There will be much to do when we get there. I'd like to sign up for breathing technique and breast feeding classes. Of course, I'll have to get a new doctor squared away- ASAP when we arrive. Then, my priority will switch to decorating Baby K's room. I can't wait to feel settled! Is that even possible in the Army?
There are many other exciting changes occurring in our lives right now. As you know, school has started for me. I am enjoying it. I can view the lectures via video, listen to them on Itunes, and/or download study outlines. There's a lot of reading and learning on one's own involved in online classes, but I think I'll do okay with it. Captain J will also be taking graduate courses starting next month. We might be crazy taking all this on at the same time, but we're praying that it's all manageable for us. Speaking of excitement and work, I have some hopeful news for my writing career (or lack thereof). I'll be sure to show you what I've been working on when I receive word that it's okay to do so. It should be in about a week!
That's about all that has happened around here. What's new with you?
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