Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Good grief.

I'm alive. I think.

Can't chat long, must return to slave driver (read: school work).

I trust you all had a great Memorial Day. Mine was spent traveling much of the time, but I was with my soldier so I was happy for that.

I've been one busy gal, as you can probably gather from my one sentence paragraphs (which isn't a paragraph at all, is it?). I don't have time for much of nothin' right now, but I hope to get caught up or (*gasp) ahead of schedule with my school work if I can. I'm sorry I haven't been commenting as much. I'm still keeping up with all of you, though. I didn't want to neglect my responsibilities as blogger extraordinaire either though so I'm finally posting those pictures from my baby shower. And I thought I'd tell you a bit about Week 29.

In short, it sucks.

I kid, I kid. But I did wake up to some pretty painful heart burn. At least I hope that's all it is. Lately, every morning has been a hassle just getting out of bed. Not only am I trying to maneuver my big ole belly around, but I'm also nursing some nausea and aches and pains. Usually I feel better if I just suck it up and crawl out of bed to start the day, though.

Is August here yet?


Oh, that's right. I still have to pack up my house, move to another state, change doctors, find new house, nest, and complete required graduate course work before all that happens.

Good grief. At least I've got the best friends and family a girl could ask for-




There are so many more, but my computer is being lame (as usual) so I must leave you with those. Thanks for taking a peek. Hopefully, I'll talk with you soon. I have a giveaway happening this week- my first ever! Get excited :)


Mama K.


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