I checked this book out at the local library after much deliberation. The Local News by Miriam Gershow tells the tale of Lydia, a young high school student who is dealing with the disappearance of her older brother, Danny. Unlike her brother, Lydia isn't popular. She skated through adolescence with the help of one close friend and their bonding over all things intellectual and awkward. When Danny disappears, Lydia is thrown into the spotlight with Danny's friends embracing her under their wings. With this new attention comes struggles of wanting her brother back, but also remembering their rocky relationship status. She becomes an afterthought to her parents who become obsessed with locating Danny. This book really dives into the complexities of family life. Lydia, the narrator, is intelligent and witty. In fact, there were times when I was focused on what a weird character she was...and that's really saying something! I didn't like this book as much as I had hoped. I really found it difficult to finish because some of the parts were so slow. Overall the characters were interesting, but the plot needed a little more of a kick to get it jump started.
I also read this:
It was recommended to me by several mothers. The book focuses on getting the baby on a healthy sleep schedule no matter if your breast feeding or bottle feeding (examples are given for both options). It discusses the importance of sleep for the infant and encourages an eat, play, sleep routine from the start. The book provides examples of healthy feeding times for the breast feeding mother and many resources for parents of the fussy baby. I really liked it! I think this book will continue to be a resource to me for many months to come. Let's just hope it works its magic on sweet Baby K!
I'm currently reading: The Lincoln Lawyer
What about you? Any good books you've read lately that I should know about?
Hey Mrs K, Liked your book reviews , very informative. I read the Lincolin Lawyer and really liked it a lot ( the movie is ok , hard to get all the little complexities of the book into a movie, worth it to view Matthew McConnehy "sp ?" though!) In the past month I have read several books that I can recommend. First I plied through "Matterhorn" which is a story of a new Second Lt Marine Corp infantry officer serving in Vietnam in the year 1969. It is written in novel form but is based on the experiences of the author Karl Marlantes, who took 30 years to write about his experiences. Why did I like this book ...well I have 2 sons who serve in the Military, one is an infantry officer, the other serves in the Transportation Corp. The other reason is my ongoing perverse curiosity of what really happened over there and why? You see I'm on the cusp of this war having graduated in 1973 from High School , the last year of the draft. I remember the evening news with the daily body counts, napalming , agent orange, unbelievable anti war protests . I'm well acquainted with those that chose not to go, but what about those that went. Well here it is all laid out for us in this provocative novel. I strongly recommend this book, but be forewarned ,
I was angry for weeks following this powerful read!
Other books I've read and can recommend: " When We Were Strangers " by Pamela Schoenwaldt, " Minding Frankie" by Mave Binchely, "Whistleing Dixie in a Nor easter" ( sorry gave the book away after finishing it and don't know the author)
Currently reading "Change in Altitude" by Anita Shreve
Now if my husband reads this he really will make me go back to work full time because I've spent to much time laying around reading . Hey that's what summer is for , right?
haha! You don't have too much free time...you just plan your days well, right? I'm glad you're getting some reading time in.
I've gone back and forth with Baby Wise; I'm a wuss when it comes to leaving Zavier to cry himself to sleep, and this is one of the key points of the system, so it unfortunately didn't work for me.
I hope it works well for you! Sleeping schedules are SO important with a baby, and it'd be wonderful if you're able to sleep at night!
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