Friday, July 8, 2011

The End of an Era

Babymoon? What is that and how do I get one?!

This is what I've been thinking over the last few months as I perused other soon-to-be mommy blogs.

According to the ever-so-smart Wikipedia, a babymoon means "a vacation taken by a couple that is expecting a baby in order to allow the couple to enjoy a final trip together before the many sleepless nights..."

Yeah, I quit reading right there. I don't wanna hear about my inevitable loss of sleep before I have to.

Anyway, a drive from duty post to duty post isn't exactly the destination Mama had in mind. Because the Captain and I have completely depleted our bank account with this move, I knew the idea of our Babymoon was more like a pipe dream.

Then, I remembered Captain J and Mrs. K have fun wherever we go.

So, the babymoon is booked.

We're headed to the next (bigger) town over next weekend to enjoy a little of this-

or a lot of that! J and I have tickets for the double showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Parts 1&2 and we're super pumped. We had a big time in Alaska at the last premier and plan to make the most of this monumental event. Go ahead, laugh if you must. I can't even take your laughter seriously, though if you haven't read the books. You can't call yourself a literary lover if you haven't given them a try. Yeah, I went there.

(Do you even want to be a "literary lover"? I just made that up.)

I'm going off on a tangent now. Forgive me.

Anyway, I'm happy with our short trip down the road and a night in a hotel room (because those have become my home away from home). Baby K just doesn't know how cool (read: dorky, fun, or exciting) his parents are. Bless his heart.

Who else is excited?


jennalou said...

so I haven't read the book but i have watched some of the movies. I would like to read them all then watch the movies. I'm sure if hubby had his way we would be there opening night. Enjoy!

Jessica said...

This movie is playing on base here the day after I leave for vacation, I'm so bummed! I get to our vaca destination at 6am and my husband doesn't get in until 10 pm (it's at the end of a TDY for him) so I think I might try to find a theater and go see it before he gets in.

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