Saturday, July 30, 2011

My Taste of L&D

The question remains: Why have I not written my research paper for this course? It's due when Baby K is due. I just can't seem to find the motivation. The last few days have been a little rough. Yesterday, I woke up to a very still baby, something that is strange for us. I chugged cold water and a fruit smoothie hoping that would wake up my little mover and shaker so I'd know he was doing okay. After a couple of hours of very limited movement, I began to get worried. Luckily, he started kicking again and I figured he was just fine. I slept a lot yesterday because my body was aching quite a bit and I wanted the escape. Early this morning I woke up to intense back pain and some contractions. I didn't think much of it--I just thought it was probably something I was going to have to deal with for the next few weeks. After stories began flooding in about back labor and how the symptoms can be disguised as regular ole back pain, I got worried again.

I think I better get used to this extra worry. I'm going to be a mom soon and I have a feeling this will never leave me.

Anyway, I gave the hospital a ring and they told me that I had better come in.


I was convinced it was nothing and I was just being a wimp so I felt really dumb going in, but in I went. After an ultrasound and a couple of tests, they confirmed that I wasn't actually in labor. I was dilated about 1-2 cm, but nothing to keep me around the hospital for. They just wanted to monitor Baby K awhile and make sure he was doing okay.

I was correct in that I was having back labor, though. The baby is faced the wrong way so I fear labor might be harder on me (and longer) from what I've read. Oh, well...any way I can get my little man into this world that is safe for him is exactly what I want.

The good news is that the doctor said it was unlikely that I would make it to 40 weeks. We'll see, though! We briefly discussed induction since the baby is looking great and ready to come out anytime. They don't think I will need to do that, though.

My little taste of Labor and Delivery made me a little nervous. You watch movies and you think you know when you'll be in labor because the pain is so drastic, but from what the doctor told me, that isn't so. He encouraged me to come in any time I'm feeling constant pain in my back that way. In fact, he said someone just this morning had her baby at home because she thought it was merely a back ache. I think I'll avoid that if at all possible.

My nerves were shot afterwards. I've probably mentioned before that I need a Va*li*um just to pull in the parking lot of the doctor's office (You're probably wondering why I put those stars in that word? Truth is, I don't know. That's what the cool bloggers do and I'm trying to fit in. I assume it's to ensure that drug companies don't start sending all kinds of solicitations my way). I'm kidding, by the way, I can't take pills. They make me crazy (ier). Anyway, I got so nervous during all this commotion, I got dizzy and nearly lost my lunch again. I've got to get a grip. Baby K is on his way! He doesn't need some crazy lady getting a little upset over nothing.

So now I find myself lying around, realizing that soon my son will make his way into the world. I'm so happy about that. I wonder if it will be a week from now or three. Time will tell.

Now, if you could send me some vibes that will aid me in writing a paper that'd be great. Also, I need to get that car seat all ready to go, purchase a dryer, wash baby clothes and sheets, and...a gazillion other things.

But what I wanna do is work on Baby K's scrapbook and sleep. Lots of it.


Mama K aka Mrs. K


Tryna Stegner said...

Praying for a smooth, healthy labor and delivery for you and Baby K!

Nina said...

I am sure everything will go just fine - you and the whole family will be in our prayers! And if you need any help with your paper, like proof-reading or something, just send it to my way.

Kendra said...

Aww! Well Im so glad that everything is ok with you and Baby K. You're going to be a mama soon! Im so excited for you and cant wait to see photos of him. The time is passing by so quickly- Im due in just 6 weeks. I guess we should start thinking too, about packing for the hospital, putting the car seat in.... =)

Alyson H. said...

You are not the only one who procrastinates. I was induced with Caylin 4 days AFTER my due date. I turned in a 25ish page paper the night before I went to the hospital. As for the drastic pain, I don't know how you feel about epidurals but I got mine pretty early into labor and only spent about an hour in really bad pain with each of the girls. FYI I HIGHLY recommend epidurals lol Not being in pain makes you better able to relax and 'enjoy' the labor. Plus, who wants to be in pain if you don't have to be?

Mrs. K said...

@Tryna- Thank you!
@Nina- Thanks a bunch. I might take you up on that...if I ever get it written, that is. ;)
@Kendra- I can't wait to see photos of your little one either. So exciting! :)
@Alyson- I was going to try to do it natural and see how it goes and I may still do that, but the epidural idea is growing on me. When I'm in pain, I don't think it's the physical pain that bothers's the 'oh my gosh, I'm in pain, something must be wrong' part that gets me, ya know? I want to be able to enjoy the experience as much as I can. I don't want to bring the poor child into the world being completely nervous, anxious, and borderline crazy! hehe

Jenna said...

Aww I'm excited to for you and your family. Sending lots of prayers your way!!!!

Nina said...

Just keep me posted - I am happy to help :)

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