Thursday, April 26, 2012

Swinging and Laughing

There's nothing like a walk in the park to cure a bad day. Baby K loves to swing. There aren't any baby swings at the local park so we make do. I like it better this way anyway. I get to hold his tiny little frame close to my heart where he'll always be in my mind. I get to hear his shrieks of delight as we soar through the air and almost reach Daddy. I get to finger his perfect, chubby little hands and worry about them transforming into big boy hands too quickly for my tastes.

It's hard sometimes- the day to day grind with him. I can never wash enough bottles or make enough baby food. The house stays clean all of five minutes before it's cluttered again with toys or dishes. The laundry is never done because my child doesn't like to be left alone in a room by himself. It's frustrating. But all of the little things that bother me don't really matter because I'm making memories with him. So what if we drag out the huge toy house for the tenth time in an hour because he wants to play with the ball chute? Who cares if toys are all over my living room floor? He's going to be little only briefly.

And then he'll leave me and I won't be able to breathe.

So, I'll take him to the park now and we'll swing.

Because I'd do anything to hear that laugh of his. I love my boy!


Jenn said...

I love his expression in that last picture!! Too cute. :)

Amber Nicole said...

Treasure those moments! They grow up WAY too fast!! Fin's gonna turn 5 soon! :( FIVE!!! Where in the world did my baby go?!?!

Chantal said...

My baby girl loves to sit on my lap and swing. She gets the biggest grin! It's so sweet.

Karen said...

Nora loves swinging too. And they do grow up too fast, I can't believe that Nora will be one in 2 months... yikes, where does the time go?? Treasure every second of it :)

The New Normal said...

Ahh, you got me with the "then he'll leave me and I won't be able to breathe" line! Tears! My baby turned 8 last month and I have no idea how that time went by so quickly. Enjoy every minute with your sweet boy :) I love his smile!

Kace said...

haha! It cracks me up.

Kace said...

five?! Yeah, I can't imagine K being that old. Most people say it's a blur raising young children. I hope I remember some of it!

Kace said...

Precious. I love it.

Kace said...

One still seems so far away but it's not. Weird.

Kace said...

Thanks. I do, too ;)

Becca said...

I am dying of cuteness right now. And now I too, am tearing up. I hope when little h leaves me, that he wants to because he is a fully whole independent moral man, but I want him to not want to, secretly :(

This is probably why I shouldn't read blogs and drink wine...

Kace said...

Yes, exactly. Hopefully most moms feel that way! I'm sure we'll raise secure young men who always feel welcome and led to visit their ole mom every once in awhile. :)

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