Baby and I are doing well. We're enjoying lazy days at the beach and missing "Dad" more than we thought possible. Captain J and I are having trouble coming up with a name. There's one that's pretty high on our list, but I can't bring myself to make the stamp of approval. It's just such a big decision, right?!
I'm enjoying being pregnant this week. As I feel his little flutters kick into overtime every time I take a bite of chocolate, I know he is more like his Mama every day. I love the feeling of him growing inside me because now I can see the progress in me physically. It seems each day I wake up, my belly has grown even bigger. I'm beginning to realize that this is the closest I'll ever be to my first born and although I want August to get here very quickly so I can meet him, I also want to keep him to myself for awhile. I know when he's born his dad will get busy making him his little man so I want to be a little selfish and enjoy my time now. Any chance I can make my son a Mama's boy? ;)
Yesterday, I tried laying on my tummy to get some sun on my back. He sure didn't like that! After just a few moments, I felt what I think was a real kick (or three) so I flipped back over to give him more room. I guess those days of laying on my tummy are over.
That's it for a quick update. I just wanted to talk about the baby a bit, but the sun is calling our names...
I'm so glad that you're enjoying your pregnancy. That's funny that he told you he didn't like the tummy laying. Good luck in finding a name that you and J both really like! I'm sure it'll be a good one!
I wonder if he'll have your toes. :D
Okay, seriously...that's not what I came here to say, (I like your toes!) What I really want to tell you might sound weird, (only in a crazy why does this girl announce me as her favorite military blogger,like me so much publicly, stalker kind of way...) Too much,'s true! ;)
Anyhow,back to reality...Everytime I think about wanting my husband's deployment to be over with...I think about how I would rushing your baby's birth, and how wishing for him to come home,is wishing your pregnancy to go by faster. I know that seems weird, so, I hope you get it. I just wanted to let you know that...It helps me to not be so selfish wishing time to "fly."
Hmmm...Maybe I should blog about it! Speaking of which, thanks for stopping by today!
Coming up with names is the hardest. We didn't name our girls until we were in the delivery room. Ashlyn was a few minutes old before I got Jason to cave in on her name :) But you have plenty of time still so don't stress out too hard just yet.
Ha! The first time I really felt Shayden kick was when I was laying out in the sun and flipped over to my belly. It was a crazy and exciting feeling!
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