Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Mrs. K Gets Fit

At the risk of being totally cliche, I'm going to talk about fitness. It is Jan. 2 after all. Our diets and exercise routines stop in approximately two weeks or less so I figure now is the time. I'm kidding... This year is the year I'm getting back in shape and NOT getting pregnant! Especially the latter, though...

Yesterday, I started off the year with a pretty good workout. I'm only 30ish days postpartum so I haven't been back to a doctor for approval to exercise yet. I'm taking it easy until I at least reach the typically recommended six week waiting period. I've felt wonderful thus far, though so I was able to spend 30 minutes running/walking on the treadmill and doing these quick leg and core exercises:

My goal is simply to feel good about myself. Bonus goals include: Look good in a bikini, somehow. I am moving to Florida, ya know! Also, I'd like to lose about 10 more pounds, although that doesn't really matter too much to me. I do like my chocolate. I'll try to eat better this year, but I say that as I scarf down a bagel and coffee. I've never been one to diet very long. If I can accomplish my goal of feeling great on a daily basis without being too picky about what I can eat then I'll be a happy camper. It's when rules get thrown in- that's when I quit. For now, I'm keeping an eye on what I eat, but not necessarily changing it. This app helps a bunch!

My Fitness Pal
I've probably sung its praises before, but just in case you didn't know- this app is free! And it's fantastic. It has a search option to input all the foods you ate that day and their corresponding calories. It adjusts for water and exercise, too. I use it as a general ballpark of how crappy I ate that day. My entry today isn't starting off very well! I'll make this my motto today-

Have you made any fitness goals for the New Year?


Anonymous said...

Are we friends on MyFitnessPal? If not, you should add me! I used it before getting pregnant with Ethan, then tracked my calories and everything after he was born. Mixed in with light exercises, I attribute my baby weight loss to keeping track of my food and exercise with that app. Love it, and the encouragement you get from friends on it! Good for you, starting out light, but getting moving! I can't wait to start exercising again.

Amber Nicole said...

Whoop whoop!! Go you!!!

Also, I totally hit the gym before my 6 week check up with baby O and that was after a c-section. hahaha. Oops! I don't listen like ever :p

Jen said...

I absolutely love myfitness pal!! It's my best friend. :)

Angie said...

I really want to lose the baby pooch also. I have been walking, but I am going to step it up more now that I know I am healed. I still have two weeks until the 6 week postpartum date, but I think I can handle an intense walk or jogging.

Good luck with the exercise!

Jenn said...

You are one hot mama! I'm trying to go easier on myself and just be better than I was the day before. Sometimes, working out in any capacity is better than I did the day before! Hopefully I can step it up in time for that run Stephanie suckered me into. (If THAT doesn't light a fire under me...)

Chantal said...

My fitness goals: Run 5 5k's and do a 2 min plank. Not much, but a lot. You'll do great!

#mommylife said...

love my fitness pal.. i can't wait to get my butt back in shape.. for me it'll be right during bikini season so it'll be a lil tough but i'm looking forward to getting right to it! go you! you already look great so you don't have far to go! :)

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