Tuesday, January 22, 2013

You Are Amazing

All powerful, untamable
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing, God

You are amazing, God.

I've got less than ten days left here in Tennessee. It's bittersweet, y'all. On one hand, I'm ready to be settled in with our little family of four, surrounded by old comforts like a nursery that is set up, a closet instead of a suitcase, and a place to call home. But the other hand is weighed down and heavy with all the reasons we should stay. Our families are here and it just feels wrong to drive away again.

I'll surely miss the sunrises and sunsets here. They always seem to come at the perfect time. In the mornings I'm frustrated, wanting desperately to still be cozy in the covers yet I'm awake with the youngest so he can eat. I sit down on the couch that faces the large glass panes at the back of the house and struggle to keep my eyes open. Then it happens. Like magic, the sky is a lovely pink and the pretty blue fog of the morning slowly spreads out and up. I look down at my beautiful son as I nourish him and wonder how anyone can think all this is just a fluke.
God is so real to me.
Then the day comes and some place between changing diapers and soothing little cries, I forget what I saw that very morning. There's so much to do and I keep chasing babies until there's no time left. My head is cluttered with lists of chores waiting to be done. Then the sun drops down and begins its descent and I have to stop, grab my eldest boy, and bundle up to go outside and just stand in awe. In that moment, little else matters. It's just me and K, enjoying the beauty God created around us. For once, he doesn't wiggle to get out of my arms. He snuggles closer to me and stares out at the bright yellow sky. Again, I'm reminded of the many blessings that I've been given.
God is so amazing...
and I know He has good things in store for my family this year.


Jen said...

I love this, such a beautiful post. :)

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