Saturday, July 20, 2013

Fitness to Go {A Guest Post}

Hi, blog friends. I'm off enjoying my weekend with the fam. I hope you get a chance to do the same. In the mean time, enjoy this guest post from Mike on the topic of fitting finess in with your travels.

Fitting Fitness Into Your Travels

If you travel a lot, you know how hard it can be to maintain a consistent routine. This is especially true where a fitness regimen is concerned. The disruptions in your schedule may make exercise seem relatively unimportant or may make you forget entirely. However, if you want to keep looking and feeling good, it's necessary to take steps to facilitate your fitness routine while you're on the run. Here are some tips that can help.

Fitness To Go

Staying in shape doesn't necessarily require large, cumbersome machines. In fact, there are numerous small tools you can take with you and use in the convenience of your hotel room. Resistance bands provide a great workout and take up less space than a pair of socks. A yoga mat and a pair of small weights are also compact and versatile enough to bring along. If you have room for a pair of running shoes, all the better. Sidewalks and parks are abundant and make ideal jogging paths.

Do Your Homework

Do a little research on the hotel you wish to stay in before you book it. Do they have workout facilities or healthy food options? Many hotels today are jumping on the fitness bandwagon in response to increased demand from customers, so you can usually expect to at least find a well-stocked fitness room. On a recent trip to San Francisco I used a site called Gogobot in order to do research on the possible hotel options. Here I could look at a list of San Francisco hotels and discern which ones had the right facilities for me. Hotels are also offering a greater number of healthy options in their continental meals. Ignore those things that are slathered in sugar or excessively high in calories. Instead, go for the oatmeal, whole-grain bread, eggs, chicken, fish and fresh produce.

Eating On The Run

While you're in transit, you have a lot of options for your meals and snacks. However, it's important to exercise caution with your choices. If you want to stop at a restaurant, call ahead to get an idea of what they serve and if they will accommodate healthier substitutions. If eating out isn't an option, seek out packaged, portable foods that are as nutritious as possible. High-protein snacks are especially recommended because they keep you satisfied longer.

Beating Stress

Travel can be stressful, but it's often worse for those who must travel for work. The stress of the airport, a long flight and pressures of the job can add up to a big headache. Exercise can help you beat this stress. Soothing activities like yoga can be done in your room, and many hotels provide videos on the television that you can follow along with.


Mar said...

Love this post! I always say I will workout while on vacation, but never do. Motivation seems to be lacking.

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