Friday, July 26, 2013


Good morning, friends. Happy Friday to you all. I'm happy today is here. The Cap'n was gone on business this week so this mama is a wee bit tired and is looking forward to seeing him today. Anyway, consider this your typical random Friday post. These are some things that have been on my mind:

1. First off, shall we have a cup of tea in honor of the royal babe?
The reveal was quite sweet. I didn't catch it, of course, because I have things like five mountains of laundry to do, but luckily I found a picture of it online-
 (It's true. I didn't swoon over the wedding...and I didn't stare at the hospital doors via the news for hours on end. I guess I didn't get that gene that cares much about famous people.)

2. This!
We've been praying for some opportunities around here lately and I'm feeling God's presence in our lives more than ever.

3. A lady came to our house the other day, claiming to be with the Census and now I'm convinced she's a scammer. It's a long story, but the gist of it was that she didn't offer any official id/proof and she came with dog treats probably because of our sign warning of our vicious dog that is on the door. I'm leaving a ton out but I'm tired of talking about it. Anyway, I slept with a shotgun last night (I do not recommend this)...kidding, it was by the bed, though. Our house is plenty protected-
but it was just this thing that took up most of my morning. I've got things to do, y'all. I don't have time to deal with people trying to steal my identity or rob me or worse.
By this time, I should have had a lot more accomplished but here I am- blogging and having tea with all of you and cheers-ing the royal baby. Interesting.

How's your day thus far?


Karen said...

I won't lie - I had my tv on BBC news in the background all week this week waiting for news on the Royal Baby... but us Canadians are still part of the monarchy lol. I would sleep with a shotgun sometimes if I had one - instead I leave lights on and hang hangers from door handles so I can hear if someone breaks in lol. I'm kind of crazy like that. Happy Friday! Thanks for the cup of tea :)

Jen said...

Haha that sign cracks me up, I may have to get one of those. :)

Anonymous said...

I was one of those people who sat on the couch and stared at the tv for hours to hear the birth announcement and watch the reveal. Now I just need a new hobby lol

Anonymous said...

How weird about that lady coming to your door. I'm such a baby and usually don't answer the door for anyone that doesn't have on an ID badge or name tag.

Niken said...

i wouldn't notice the birth of royal baby if it's not because blogs. haha
i'm with you there.

Kathryn B said...

I probably would have slammed the door in her face, but that's the PMS and being scared of having to one day use my shotgun talking ;) I watched the recap of everything on E! News one night after the kids went to bed :)

Fran said...

- I was shamelessly watching the news about the royal baby haha, I don't care about celebrities in general but I've always loved royalty, I remember being little and watching the Royal wedding in Spain with my grandma haha

- that is SO weird about that lady coming to your door, I probably would've pretended I didn't understand her or something lol

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