Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Ups and Downs of Getting Fit

There have been so many of you who have told me I've inspired you to start being more active and to get fit. That makes me feel so good to hear that each of you are starting your own journey toward a healthier lifestyle because of some workout or photo or status or post I've thrown up on Instagram and other social media outlets. That's why I post so much. I want to inspire. I want to motivate you, but more importantly, I want to motivate and hold myself accountable.
I've been doing a poor job of this recently. Ever since our trips to Tennessee and Vermont and my recent bout with sickness, my routine got all out of whack and my eating choices spiraled down, down, down. Before I knew it, I went from 113 lbs and seeing ab definition-
to 123lbs
I gained ten pounds in just over a month, people. I know some of you believe that I am naturally "skinny" despite me writing and saying otherwise, but now you know. It's true- I have to work hard for the body I want--most of us do.
I'm trying not to focus on the scale. I really am. But when I stepped on that scale and saw the number, it was my reality check. I just needed to take a deep breath and remember how I lost the weight in the first place.
1. Clean eating
2. Training hard
3. Dedication
It was that simple. It's going to be that simple again, dang it. I can do this.
My plan for this week is to exercise at least four days and clean up my diet. I started on Friday after a brief but detrimental cookie binge. I'm feeling good now, though. My body is already responding and I'm not feeling sluggish and tired anymore.
I know the number doesn't matter. What does matter is my attitude. I don't want to cringe when I see a camera at the beach. I want to be proud again. I want to feel healthy and strong. I want to know that my body is capable of doing X, Y, and Z. I don't think anyone has really noticed the difference in my body except me.
I see the extra pounds in my arms and middle. I'm going to focus on these areas. The last half of July is going to be different. Let's do this!

Who's with me?
(P.S. You can now access all of my fitness journey posts by clicking on the "#mrskgetsfit" page at the top of my blog. As always, you can also find updates on my Instagram page, too. )

Linked up here:
Mal Smiles


Unknown said...

It's always hard work and I'm struggling getting back to my routine, too. I never thought I would be thrown off in the summer! You look fabulous!

Ashley Lee said...

Looking great!!

Louise Burnette Barnes said...

thank you, dahling. that helps me keep committed.

Lynn | Motherhood in Motion said...

I know the feeling of people thinking you are skinny but have to work so hard. I struggle here too. I fit into my clothes, but hate the way I look without them... So I need to do more clean eating and really focus on good workouts! Thanks for the much needed kick in the butt.

Jen said...

I'm not on the clean eating bandwagon but I had to learn that portion control was my problem. I lost 25 pounds by just eating less of the food I was already eating. Plus I run like a crazy person now haha.

Lisa C said...

I hate that only a few bad days can really throw off all the hard work you've already put in. But you look great! And no one would guess you have two babies.

Mrs. Duh said...

I am with you! The PCS and getting settled into our new home has thrown me off my game a little. I've been a little bit too lax on my eating and my workouts... but I'm ready to hit it hard again! Let's do this!

Mallory said...

I love this! I have gain a few lbs recently myself with vacations and it's not fun. Like you, I gain weight FAST and it makes me feel miserable. Thank you for inspiring me to clean up my diet! xoxo Thanks for linking up!

Chantal said...

I'm sure I look great too, just like you, but I have my fat days too! Even if we're skinny, we can still feel bad, right? I was 115 at my lowest and now I hover around 120. That doesn't really bother me as much, but I can tell my tummy is pudgier and my arms are losing muscle. This week I'm back to it! I've worked out twice already. I hope to keep running and lifting weights.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap you look amazing!

Jamie said...

I love your dedication.

Anonymous said...

ughh gaining pounds is the worst, but your right we have to WORK for what we want, and sometimes that is the hardest part! I think you look amazing, and way to go on keeping yourself healthy in skinny! You are definitely inspiring me:)

Becca said...

Look at those Quads! 2014 Marathon Mrs. K!!! :)

Sarah said...

I know you drink a lot of shakes/smoothis, but what is the rest of your diet like? (This is me being very nosy about what goes on in the lives of others. Which basically explains why I read blogs.)

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