Monday, February 22, 2010


Naps make me smarter. (Story found here.)I knew it, I just knew it. Now, I'll cat nap guilt free while the rest of the world goes on about their productive lives.

While in college, I had my study habits down to a T. I really didn't have to study all that much. I should have studied more throughout the week to cut down on cram sessions before tests, but I found a schedule that worked for me so I stuck with it. I truly miss going to school, learning new ideas, and having old ones challenged. If I could, I'd be a professional student. I secretly harbor thoughts of enrolling at UAF and taking some classes for the fun of it, but it's not really financially responsible at this point. I want to finish my degree desperately, but I'll have to wait until we get to our next duty station (after Benning) to work on my Master's again if I want to actually go to class. I suppose I could find an online program, but I know I'll learn more in a classroom setting. I'm missing out on so many job opportunities here, though without having the degree. It seems like getting my master's is simply a "checking the box" requirement so it probably wouldn't matter if I worked on it at a university or online. I have yet to make up my mind on what I'd like to do occupationally and I think experience is the only way to narrow it down. I'm going to search for some part time jobs at counseling agencies around Fairbanks in hopes of at least getting my foot in the door.

I am happy at home, though. I could see myself being a stay at home mother. I think I would enjoy it, but what do I know...I don't have any little ones running around. I do have a 6 month old who I've been watching quite closely today because he was a mess yesterday. Drifter didn't want to do anything we said. J had to have a come-to-Jesus meetin' with him more than once yesterday. He's sleeping sweetly on the couch for me now, though. He's such a good dog, or he tries to be...especially when there's only one person home. (Sound familiar, Mom?)

I'm looking outside to big, fluffy white snowflakes falling from the sky. The snow that was melting is now capped with sparkly, fresh fallen snow and the scenery is beautiful. You'd think I would have grown tired of it by now. I don't mind it; it's the dreadful lows that get me. Despite the snow, it's around 20 degrees right now so I'm not complaining.

Now, I think I'll curl up on the couch like Drifter. Maybe I'll grab a good book. I'll definitely be taking a nap, though. It's essential for brain development and obtaining new information. If you're at work, go tell your boss: "THIS JUST IN..."


Carla said...

I soo agree with being a professional student! I LOVE classes and learning, but I despise papers and tests. I would love to go to classes but not have any expectation of due dates :o) btw your puppy is ADORABLE! Cody promised me one when we get home. We're naming him Vega after our fav. star we saw on top of Mauna Kea in Hawaii! And I'm totally gonna be a stay at home mom till my unborn kids get into Kindergarten!!

“If Boredom Kills… « Confessions of a Snow Bunny said...

[...]  (Sleeping. This one is highly recommended as I mentioned here.) [...]

chancesimtaking said...

If your looking for an online school, well a reputable one anyway. Try Liberty University Online. I'm not sure if they have the degree your looking for but its worth taking a look at, especially for a "check the box" degree. It's something like $250 a credit with the military spousal discount. Its a heck of a lot better then the $675 I paid per credit in NY. I do however know that they only accept 6-9 credits depending on the degree. They are very pushy if you call so just be aware of that. Overall thought its not a terrible deal. I'm just ticked that the 18credits I already took towards my masters is pretty much useless. since only 6 credits transfer. Ugh it's such a pain.

Good luck with it.

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