The past few days I have felt like I embodied two very different people. First of all, I felt a bit like a real Alaskan. I mean, who else is thankful for two degrees above zero on moving day? I was walking around outside in a three quarter length button up and was still pretty toasty. It's so strange how one can grow accoustomed to their surroundings. I remember when ten degrees was barely heard of in Tennessee, now it feels like a heat wave.
I also felt like this guy-
This is Gus from Disney's Cinderella. Ya know the part when he is trying to grab as much food as he possibly can and is attempting to hold the huge stack under his chin? Yep, that was me on Friday. Taking boxes and stacking them up, praying they wouldn't fall and break in two. I sure am glad to have that over. Oh, how I look forward to having the Army pack us up and move us next time.
Today wasn't such a great day. I had plans to get so much accomplished, but I became discouraged after having to waste time at the hospital so I came home to blog with only four tasks marked off my list. Oh steps. There is good news to report, though! I have an interview on Wednesday with a church on post. They need help around the chapel...mostly with the children's classes. The hours are good (it's part time) and it's convienient for Jordan because I can ride to work with him instead of him having to drive the jeep in the cold. It would be nice to have another income so wish me luck!
Back to the To Do List-I go. Au Revoir!
[...] I also remind you that I moved our entire life all by my lonesome in ten degree weather, complete with icy steps and very cold [...]
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