Monday, April 12, 2010

Burn Baby Burn

Sunday afternoon Captain J and I headed a street over to bid farewell to his buddy (and his wife) who are leaving Alaska and making the drive to D.C. early Wednesday morning. They needed some help moving so we gladly stretched out our muscles and got to work clearing out all of their possessions and loading them into a huge transfer truck. The couple decided that they wouldn't take much of their furniture so they were planning to get rid of it. We couldn't pass that up so we jumped at the chance to take it off their hands. We got enough bedroom furniture to outfit our spare bedroom for the low, low price of moving boxes and furniture...FREE! I couldn't let it all go to waste like this dresser and its untimely demise-

That's right. We lit that sucker up just to watch it burn. We all sort of collectively held our breath as the flames got higher and higher. We probably should have had a burn permit for that. It died down quickly, though so we were left to just stare into the dwindling flames. There's something about a fire, isn't there?  It's theraputic.

Anyway, I'll leave you with a picture of a moose. We saw this guy as we were packing up-

Just another day in paradise Alaska!


meble kalwaria said...

Nice post keep it

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