Thursday, April 1, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Last year at Easter I was spending time with my family, going to church, and enjoying some tasty Southern food. I remember one family event in particular in which my computer was glued to my hip because my favorite soldier was still deployed to Iraq and chatting online was our primary means of communication. I was having a late lunch at my Nanny's when that alien-like Skype ring sounded from the speakers of my computer into the conversations of all those around. Everyone turned to see what was making the alarming noise, but not me, I jumped into action to catch the video chat with Captain J. Unfortunately, I had very little service in the house so in order to get to talk, I had to go outside. I remember it vividly--it was a beautiful spring day. I didn't mind having to go outside. Anyway, I swooped my computer into my arms and took off to talk to my man. I was so glad I would get to see him on Easter Sunday. Knowing that my guy was safe and sound was a gift from God. We chatted and laughed and reconnected awhile, but I started to lose service so I wanted to get closer to the main road where my car was parked in hopes of not loosing our Skype call. There I was in a dress and heels running down a grassy hill near a creek with computer in hand and webcam powered on when my shoe sunk into the grass and I plopped tummy first onto the ground. Embarrassed, I brushed myself off and looked up to the window of the house to see if anyone witnessed that moment. Sure enough, most of them were watching. Oh well, ya can't say I wasn't devoted! I regained service coverage and finished up our conversation with a goofy smile on my face and a little dirt on my new Easter threads, but lots of hope for spending the next Easter holiday with my man.

And here we are! It's hard to believe it's been a full year since then. Life passes so quickly! I know I'll miss my loved ones back home on Sunday, but I'm happy to be with my husband, too. Now, I look forward to the day when we can all be together. We don't have plans this year to celebrate except, of course, attending a church service. Perhaps we'll color some Easter eggs or maybe we'll take Drifter on the puppy egg hunt going on in town. Who knows? But the real reason for Easter won't escape my mind. I'll continue to be amazed at how God blessed me when he sent his Son to suffer on the cross only to rise from the dead and live in me again so that I may have eternal life. I won't dismiss how he blesses me even still today--For this year, my soldier is home. Home Sweet Home.

(P.S.- To those of you I fooled on facebook, I'm somewhat sorry! I thought changing my birthday would be a funny April Fools joke, but then I saw everyones sweet wishes and I felt bad. haha This is why I'm not a trickster :) )


carissa said...

Happy Easter to you! I'm glad you get to be with your hubby this year, though your story about last year was sweet. And props to your awesome F.B. prank!

bree said...

aww haha that sure is devotion..running in heels and all!

Lance said...

It's great to "meet" you.

As I read this, I am drawn to a couple of things. One is just how much our loved ones mean to us...and how I think it can be easy to take that for granted, until they are not with us, especially on an important day. And two - just how fast time really does go by. I think back to a year ago, and how quickly that time has went, and how amazing the past year has been. Wow.

Easter is a pretty wonderful day! Savor the moments in it....

(and - I love your story of running to the road with your computer...what a great memory that will always be!)

kacysue said...

Happy Easter to all of you :)

nice to meet you, Lance. I enjoyed your latest post- There are no little things.

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