Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Believe in good!

"Believe in good and you'll be happy and useful." - Elizabeth Towne

(Warning: Hippyish post of the week)

I brought out The Every Day Book again and paged into November (my real birthday as opposed to my fake facebook birthday ;) )- November 7th to be exact. This quote by Elizabeth Towne was what I came to and what hopeful and profound words they are even still today.

I'll be the first one to admit, I'm old school. I can often be caught muttering the words, "What is this world coming to?" It's my half way serious reaction to various news reports or questionable gossip. I am simply amazed sometimes by some of the awful things I hear about going on in the world, in our country, and in our little towns. Why do we, as a society, dwell on negative news? It's like a terrible car accident that we can't drag our eyes away from. It's like a drug we take daily as we turn on the news to hear the latest scandal. Just think of all those celebrities who we get to judge from the comfort of our couches and kitchen tables each day- Tiger, Jesse James, the Kardashians (and those are just this weeks latest!).

(Are you singing the Black Eyed Peas- "Where is the love" yet? Oh you're not? Me either. Carry on.)

It's so easy for us to believe that "the good ole days" are long gone. It's easy to say that there's not much good left in the world, too- especially if you tune into the news every day. But there's hope! Just head over to your local airport and watch people as they get off their planes and run to get to their loved ones and jump in their arms. Ask a mother whose baby just learned to say "Mama." I would venture to guess that if you went through your daily routine and made a conscious effort to pick out the good in it then you'd find plenty of love in the world. Sure, we could use a little more probably, but just because we may not see it, doesn't mean it isn't there. Perhaps we're all just not seeing.

I know my family has always reiterated the notion that "It's all about how you look at it."

I'm going to make an effort to look for love more often! Who is with me? :)


carissa said...

My cousin and I were just talking this weekend about how we wanted to get a newspaper that only shared the good news. There would be no mention of all the bad stuff in the world. Maybe we should start one, not even joking.

Airports are my favorite people watching destiniations. But sometimes they make me a little sad...

wanderingmenace said...

Well I love that song. But uhhh, nope, wasn't singing it either.
you are adorable.

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